Explore the amazing land of Yen Bai !


Leave behind Hanoi exciting city by private car via national way no.32 within 300KM - 7 hours without traffic, then explore the breathtaking scenery from the remote district of Yen Bai province where we will admire of the imposing rice terraces, being fond of the stunning scenery from mountains and hills. The real experiences of homestay at white Thai ethnic minority family and enjoy dinner with local foods, easy trekking to explore hill tribe villages where we can meet local people to know the culture, traditions, customs on the way of the beaten track. 




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Hot spring in Mu Cang Chai

Hot mineral spring in Nam Hon: Mu Cang Chai Tours & Health

Tu Le hot spring, along Highway 32 to Mu Cang Chai, Tu Le is a commune close to Khau Pha…

Mu Cang Chai Location

Mu Cang Chai is a mountainous district in the west of Yen Bai province, 180km from the center of Yen…
Mu Cang Chai - Lung Cung Peak

Lung Cung Mountain Peak: Photo, Map, Travel, Tours

Lung Cung Mountain Peak: Travel, Map, Photo, Tour Mu Cang Chai - Trekking, homestay, enjoy the breathtaking view from rice…
Khao mang market

Khao Mang Market in Mu Cang Chai: Tours, Photo, Map

About twenty kilometers from the center of Mu Cang Chai district, through zigzag twists and turns, Khao Mang has been…