Ban Gioc Waterfall Travel Map provides information to visitors when traveling in Ban Gioc, Cao Bang Province. Which routes will you take to get to Ban Gioc Waterfall, and when you arrive in Ban Gioc Waterfall where and how you will go to reach the most attractive destinations around here.
Ban Gioc Waterfall is located in Dam Thuy, Cao Bang, Northeast Vietnam, about 335km from Hanoi, 7.5 hours by car. The best way to explore Bai Gioc waterfall in Cao Bang, travelers will rent a private car with an experienced driver from Hanoi or book a private Bang Waterfall tour to explore Bai Gioc Waterfall. If you want to have an experience by yourself, you can go to Highway 1A -> Bac Giang Lang Son Expressway -> Follow Highway 4A to Dong Khe town -> Continue DT208 to Highway 3 in Hoa Thuan town – > Turn boys on Highway 3 -> continue 21.3km, then turn right to go DT206 to Dam Thuy -> Ban Gioc Waterfall.