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Adventure Tour to Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

Our adventure tours to Kho Muong Village at Pu Luong are a perfect blend of thrill with true cultural exploration in one of the hidden spots of Vietnam. Our thrilling adventure tours to Pu Luong Nature Reserve, Kho Muong Village are the perfect mix of thrill and the real cultural exploration of this hidden gem in the heart of Vietnam at the Puluong Nature Reserve. Inviting you truly to be at one with the reality of nature, Kho Muong Village of the ethnic people unfolds in the most amazing way, embedded deep within the remarkable Pu Luong Nature Reserve. Being one with nature, embarking on the adventure of a lifetime, or just soaking in the wonder of local cultures this tour has it all. Join us on this walk of finding beauty and culture found in Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong!

Pu Luong of Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

Pu Luong

Discovering Kho Muong Village: The Heart of Pu Luong

Let us travel to the beautiful world of Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong, a destination that embodies the ideal of natural beauty and cultural richness. Walking here, in this hidden treasure, very quickly one can understand why Kho Muong Village should be on every Pu Luong Tours program.

Geographical Location

One of the most attractive and off-the-beaten places is Kho Muong Village, which is situated deep inside the forest area of Pu Luong Nature Reserve in Thanh Hoa province. This village is deep inside the reserve, surrounded by terrific mountains and sprawling fields with terraces reaching to the horizon. Therefore, Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong has strategically positioned itself to provide the visitors with a sense of isolation from the outside, giving them a chance to take one from the noise and lie back into nature.

The geography of Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong is uniquely supreme in its proximity to the most pristine reserves of Pu Luong. It forms an outer crust of vivid forests, crystal-clear rivers, and towering limestone karsts. All these natural features make it a breathtaking landscape and support rich biodiversity that is unequaled in the vicinity. You can trek through the terraced fields amid the rhythmic music of nature; right from the gentle rustling of the leaves to the melodious chirping of birds.

Cultural Significance

Now, to the soul of Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong: the people and their culture. In essence, the village is mostly populated by the Thai ethnic group a larger-than-life community deep-rooted with cultural values and undertaking traditional life. Indeed, the Thai have lived in great proximity to nature for ages without inflicting damage; they preserve their habits, language, and particular lifestyle.

Hiking through the Kho Muong Village, you will be exposing yourself to how their life has remained almost unnoticed for hundreds of years. Not stopping at this, they still cultivate rice in the iconic terraced fields. Handicrafts, as a daily routine in everyday life, go shoulder to shoulder with farming and include activities like weaving. Family ties and village solidarity remain one of the biggest aspects of communal living representing the very core of Thai culture.

Architecture-wise, live museology Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong. The traditional bamboo and wood stilted houses are made as a result of wonder resulting from indigenous engineering. The structures are multifunctional, serving both the core functions of housing and storage of farm produce. Three-nine lean-tos have been studied at the site. Beyond that, the symbolism connotes harmony between man and nature. A walk within the village makes one feel like he/she is living in the past, surrounded by antique structures that speak of a vivid and resilient community.

Natural Beauty for Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

Magnificent, the natural scenic beauty, takes around Kho Muong Village in the Pu Luong area. Just imagine waking up at sunrise with a view of everyone in the house from nature’s point of view: beautiful green fields and refrigerated mist touched with mountains, plus the river that flows silently. Terraced fields flowing down the hillsides, brilliant rivers, and dense forests teeming with flora and fauna, make this site almost comparable to postcard sites.

Kho Muong Village in the Pu Luong, therefore, is a place flourishing with wildlife and floral beauty in Pu Luong. This incredible environment around the village is splendid for the observation of a diverse population of endemic species; from colorful birds to rare plants. The rich biodiversity of this place speaks of wholesome maintenance of the unspoiled character of the area that surely ecotourists and nature lovers are sure to appreciate. Whether you’re trekking through the forests, exploring caves, or just taking in the views, you won’t be left indifferent to the natural beauty of Kho Muong Village.

Cultural Beauty for Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

Cultural Beauty 

Why Kho Muong is a Must-Visit

Now, why would people come up to Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong? There really is a perfect blend of these three: sheer pristine beauty, cultural genuineness, and off-the-path feel. In these contrasts with more touristy places, Kho Muong Village will give you something raw, real, and of intimate relation to the land one walks on and the people that coordinate one’s rhythm. A place in which one shall turn back on modern life with all its chaos and find space to re-meet important things: nature, culture, and community.

The Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong is no ordinary sightseeing trip; it represents an immersion deep into a life both simple and profound. It is about trekking across time-untouched landscapes, meeting these harmoniously living with nature, and experiencing a rich, diverse culture where the warmness and open-heartedness of the locals are felt. For individuals who want to experience one true adventure that is beyond what everybody is saying, then Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong is a must-visit area.

Detailed Sample Itinerary for the Adventure Tour to Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

Day 1: Thanh Hoa – Pu Luong

7:00 AM: Upon arrival at Tho Xuan Airport (or Noi Bai Airport), you will be warmly welcomed by our guide ferried and he will be leaving you with your luggage and transportation, whereby you are guaranteed accommodation with everything all set to welcome you into the adventure.

8:00 AM: We kick off our drive to Pu Luong Nature Reserve with an exciting visit to Lam Kinh Historical Site in Thanh Hoa. This place offers tourists a real insight into the history and culture of the Le Dynasty, thus setting precedence for your cultural quest.

10:30 AM: We proceed further with our drive from Hanoi to Pu Luong for breathtaking views of the landscape filled with rolling hills, deep valleys, and luxuriant green tendencies. This will be your first real taste of the natural beauty that awaits in Pu Luong.

12:00 PM: Arrival in our Pu Luong  Eco Lodge, check-in, and a relaxing environment. Upon signing in, enjoy a delicious luncheon prepared with local allurements that will unquestionably offer you the authentic taste of Thanh Hoa’s flavors.

2:30 PM: In the afternoon after lunch today, we’ll take a trek to explore the sights of the terraced rice fields of Pu Luong. The paths wind through Thai ethnic’ traditional villages. In this region, you can select one of these ancient stilt houses and spend a night there as a homestay to get to see more about the impressive water wheels, vital to local agriculture.

4:30 PM: The adventurous part goes further with bamboo rafting on the Cham River. Traveling by float toward the natural beauty of Pu Luong developed into a relaxed and immersed moment.

5:30 PM: If today is a Thursday or Sunday, we continue to the bustling Pho Doan Market, filled with great energy, where one immerses in the liveliness, interacts with locals, buys handmade souvenirs, and tastes regional treats, strongly bringing the colorful cultural elements to your experience.

7:00 PM: We drive back to the lodge for dinner and a feast of traditional Thai cuisine. Serenade the evening with its array of cultural activities like the campfire, and Khap Thai dance show, including stilt walking.

Overnight Stay: Choose depending on your preference whether you like the communal warmth of a traditional stilt house, the privacy of a fan-cooled room, or the comfort of a deluxe suite complete with air-conditioning. This is going to be your cozy retreat while you charge yourself up at the end of the adventurous day for the next day’s outings.

Lam Kinh Historical Site

Lam Kinh Historical Site

Day 2: Pu Luong – Kho Muong Village

5:00 AM: Wake up early for a magical experience—cloud hunting and sunrise viewing. We go to a perfect spot where you watch the rising of the sun slowly, getting over the mountains, giving away that imaginary gold color to everything on its way up. The setting created by clouds billowing over the peaks can be one really worth getting up early for.

7:00 AM: After working up an appetite during sunrise viewing, pry your way back to the lodge for a good and big breakfast, surrounding yourself with the peacefulness of Pu Luong that will set the tone for an equally peaceful and energetic day.

8:30 AM: The adventure for the day starts exactly at 8:30 AM and begins with this 6 km trek to the Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong. The path runs along some of the most beautiful landscapes you will ever encounter: terraced rice fields, limpid rivers, and dense forests rich in the sounds of nature. While trekking, the true beauty of the natural world revealed why Pu Luong caught people’s attention.

10:00 AM: We will arrive in Kho Muong Village, at Hang Doi (Bat Cave), which is the biggest cave in Pu Luong. The formations of this limestone cave and its unique ecosystem form a great view of the geological history of the area. Cave exploration is one of the most interesting activities in Kho Muong, provided the weather is fine.

12:00 PM: the lunch served will be local and traditional within Kho Muong Village—definitely prepared by the local villagers themselves. It is more than a meal; it is a cultural pass shared with the members of the community, learning their ways of life, and the real taste of the earth.

2:00 PM: After lunch, we will enjoy some interactive activities with the Black Thai community within the village, seeing their traditions, crafts, and daily routines. This cultural exchange is a priceless way to get deep insights into the lives of those people calling Kho Muong Village home in Pu Luong.

4:00 PM: with the fall of the afternoon, we will start trekking back to Thanh Hoa. So it’s the best time to head back, for this is when all the beauty of Pu Luong hits home and the traveler reflects on such incredible experiences these last couple of days.

Evening: We will arrive back in Thanh Hoa, and the tour ends here. We hope that this adventure in  Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong has brought you an unforgettable memory and a deep love for all of Mother Nature with the rich culture of this place. Thank you very much for joining us, and we will be really eager to welcome you back on other Pu Luong Tours!

Essential Tips for a Successful Trip to Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

Preparation and Packing for Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

While preparing for your Adventure Tour to Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong, it becomes very important to take proper gear with you. Use comfortable trekking clothes and put them on in layers so that you can adjust the temperature of your body accordingly with time. Never forget expensive reusable water bottles, snacks, insect repellent, and a first aid kit. Most importantly, sturdy, comfortable hiking shoes that provide good grip and ankle support—you never know when the trails might turn rugged and bumpy.

Health and Safety for Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

Safety first; the pathway is graded as a medium to difficult track. In preparation, it will be best for one to adopt a regular exercise regime before embarking on the journey. Although altitudes in Pu Luong are not that high, one is still advised to ascend gradually and also have lots of liquids if they are not accustomed to higher altitudes. Always stick to marked trails, be mindful of local wildlife, and check the weather forecast to avoid getting caught in bad conditions.

Cultural Sensitivity for Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

Stay in a local Thai community Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong Show respect toward their traditions and culture. Always ask for permission to take pictures, especially of the villagers. The best way to help locals and make your trip meaningful and worthwhile is by purchasing handmade goods products; that keep the money functioning in that community and let it sustain itself and see the heritage culture preserved.

Bat Cave

Bat Cave

Environmental Responsibility in Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong

Pu Luong Nature Reserve is a natural beauty that has to be respected. The leave-no-trace theory guides on causing minimal waste and ensuring no disturbance to the surroundings. Engage in some sustainable tourism by choosing eco-friendly activities that will minimize your carbon footprint for a great experience during your staying time. Such acts ensure the preservation of Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong for generations while it remains green and clean as a pristine destination for all visitors.

Reasons to Choose Impress Travel for Your Kho Muong Village Adventure in Pu Luong

Want to choose any with Impress Travel adventure tour to Kho Muong village in Pu Luong; you get a perfect holiday experience hassle-free and rewarding. With years of tourism experience in Vietnam, we agent with sustainable and responsible tourism as our core value, which promises that your adventure contributes to the preservation and conservation of the pristine beauty of nature and culture at Kho Muong Village. Our trips are tailor-made to suit your interest, led by professional guides with obvious great insight into the local culture and geography. We place your security high above all else, so we raise standards on equipment, that is well-maintained, to ensure that this journey’s safety and memories are homebound. Effortless and secure booking with personalized customer service ensures a stress-free experience from start to finish at very open and competitive pricing.

Ready for a lifetime adventure? Impress Travel is where to contact and book the Pu Luong tour to discover the hidden beauty of Kho Muong village in Pu Luong. You can reach us at this email: info@impresstravel.com or call: (+84) 912 379 189. Let us worry about even the smallest of things so that your time is spent having moments worth remembering for a lifetime.


Kho Muong Village in Pu Luong: Challenging treks, rich cultural exchange, and breathtaking natural beauty, all in one memorable adventure. Impress Travel is proud to be one of the leading tour companies specializing in arranging a Pu Luong Tour. Not only will you experience the journey of a lifetime, but also you will be contributing to sustaining responsible and friendly tourism for the benefit of the local community. This opportunity should not be missed to discover one of Vietnam’s best-kept secrets. Email us at info@impresstravel.com, or call (+84) 912 379 189 to book your adventure today. Your next great experience is just a step away! Don’t forget to regularly follow our Impress Travel for more interesting information about traveling Puluong to and to book Puluong Tours at the best prices.

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Pu Luong: Travel, tours, trekking & Homestay.
Pu Luong: Travel, tours, trekking & Homestay.
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Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
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Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay (1)
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Pu Luong: Travel, tours, trekking & Homestay.
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Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay (1)

Day 01

Hanoi – Mai Chau - Pu Luong ( L, D) - Trekking distance: 2.5km

  • Impress Travel Team will pick you up at the hotel in Hanoi center then tour departure at 8:00 Am to driving up into north-west of Hanoi, it is a breathtaking scenery on winding way to Mai Chau then continue driving to Pu Luong. You enter Pu Luong Nature Reserve by road via a breathtaking mountain pass giving you a panoramic view of the whole valley. You arrive at Pu Luong Retreat in time for a delicious lunch, followed by free time to explore the beautiful retreat, with its captivating panoramic views and tranquil setting.
  • After lunch, you will be transferred by car to a suspension bridge over the Cham River where you begin your walk in search of stunning water wheels. Get up close to each wheel and discover how water is moved from river to handmade bamboo aqueducts via simple constructions of all sizes.
  • Arriving at a local fisherman’s house, you have a short rest to gear up for the rafting adventure with Dinh and his team. Float along the calm river and enjoy the views, in between learning how to paddle and steer your handcrafted rafts.
  • Arriving at scenic Tan Lap Bridge, you disembark to be transferred back to Pu Luong Retreat for dinner.

Inclusion: Meals: 1 x lunch, 1 x dinner, Accommodation: Overnight at Pu Luong Retreat, private transfer, tour guide, water on van/car.

What’s included in this trip

  • Full transportation by private car  as tour program indicated.
  • Full meals as indicated in the itinerary.
  • English- speaking guide
  • Entrance fees.
  • Twin-share accommodation with daily breakfast; ( AC room).

What’s excluded in this trip

  • Personal insurance
  • Expenditure of a personal nature, tips, such as drinks, souvenirs, laundry, emergency transfers & etc.





Room Type


Pu Luong


Homestay or Resort or Retreat or Bungalows


You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress

Day 02

Pu Luong Discovery (B, L, D) - Trekking distance: 12km

  • Start early to descend into the beautiful valley facing the Retreat where you walk around tumbling rice terraces. Trek through small paths shrouded in vegetation to slowly reveal a picturesque (Uoi, Lan Trong – Lan Ngoai) village sitting at the base of a towering mountain. Your camera will not be able to sit still!
  • Continuing to the base of the valley, you weave between roads and farmland, villages and wild fields, ponds and rivers, mountains, and open land. Savor the ever-changing scenery before you come back to the Retreat for the lunch.
  • After enjoying delicious food, you will explore Hieu hidden and beautiful village by off-road jeep then enjoy the sole waterfall in Pu Luong before moving to your pick-up point to be transferred back to the Retreat.

Inclusion: Meals: 1 x breakfast, 1 x lunch, 1 x dinner, Accommodation: Overnight at Pu Luong Retreat, tour guide

Day 03

Pu Luong – Hanoi (B, L) - Trekking distance: 6km

  • You have the chance to get close to village life and interact with locals living in Kho Muong village. Have glimpses of daily life, walk around the working farmland and rice fields, followed by lunch at the Pu Luong Retreat.
  • Drive back to Hanoi in the afternoon with the difficult task of deciding which activity has been the best highlight. Arrive in Hanoi around 17:30. End of the trip.

Inclusion: Meals: 1 x lunch, Private Transfer, Tour Guide, Water on van/car.



    Pu Luong Tours

    Pu Luong is a natural reservation in the northern land of Vietnam. It is 160 km away from Hanoi and is a 4-hour drive north-west of Hanoi. Pu Luong Reserve is located in Quan Hoa & Bac Thuoc District, Thanh Hoa Province and shares a border with Hoa Binh Province in Tan Lac, Mai Chau, and Lac Son districts, and is divided by a central valley, which contains several human settlements and a large area of agricultural land, therefore, it is not included within the nature reserve. Pù Luông is endowed with great biodiversity, its flora and fauna are closely associated with the Cúc Phương National Park 25 km south-east. Impress Travel offers travelers a tour to explore Pu Luong combined with a Mai Chau trekking tour. It is a trekking tour from Mai Chau to Pu Luong, then an overnight stay at Pu Luong Retreat – 9 comfortable bungalows, 1 traditional stilt house with 16 comfy beds, an open-air restaurant with tasty cuisine, an infinity pool and spa with rock garden, all at your disposal. Come to Pu Luong Retreat to discover the hidden magic, of a place built by hand, with meticulous attention to detail, from the ground up puluong@impresstravel.com