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A Wonderful Vacation with a Tour to Pu Luong Departing from Hanoi

Pu Luong Nature Reserve exemplifies a perfect symbiosis between incredible natural landscapes and rich indigenous cultural experience. Just a few hours’ drive from bustling Hanoi, Pu Luong offers the perfect retreat into nature’s lap. Get on board with the Pu Luong trips from Hanoi to enjoy hassle-free enriching times with expertly guided rides over terraced rice fields, silent rivers, and traditional villages. Whether you are a nature lover or a cultural explorer, Pu Luong tours take you on an indelible journey right into the heart of Vietnam’s diverse heritage.

Unveil the Hidden Beauty: A 2-Day Tour to Pu Luong Departing from Hanoi

Day 1: Hanoi – Pu Luong (Lunch, Dinner)

07:00 – 07:30: A pleasant drive from your hotel or a location in Hanoi’s Old Quarter that has been previously decided. Hop on our comfortable, air-conditioned transfer for departure to Pu Luong. Leave the busy and noisy city far behind.

07:30 – 10:00: Appreciate the beautiful landscapes en route to Thung Khe Pass. The diverse urban bustling scene changes to an immense countryside with spreading rice fields, peaceful rivers, and rolling hills.

Thung Khe Pass in Tour to Pu Luong Departing from Hanoi

Thung Khe Pass

10:00 – 10:30: Our first break will be taken at Thung Khe Pass. At Thung Khe Pass, you can freely stretch your legs and enjoy the panoramic view. This place will be one of the nicest stops for taking beautiful shots. You will have time to visit Muong Ethnic Market, try some local snacks, and possibly buy other souvenirs and handicrafts.

10:30 – 13:00: Keep driving towards the Pu Luong Nature Reserve; just keep working your way through small villages and great landscapes. Extraordinary stories and more knowledge from our guide give you more ideas about the area.

13:00 – 14:00: Pu Luong Upon arrival, directly from the park’s gateway entrance, at a local restaurant, you will enjoy a fine lunch and relish in the succulent vicinity of Pu Luong.

14:00 – 14:30: Check in to your accommodation after taking your lunch, which may range from a quiet homestay to a posher ecoresort. Relax in your room a bit.

14:30 – 17:30: Take a 6 km guided hike through the picturesque landscapes of Pu Luong. You will go along the road winding its way through terraced rice fields, scenic forests, and along the side of peaceful streams. You will visit a Black Thai village where you can witness the daily life and traditions of one of Vietnam’s 54 ethnic groups.

17:30 – 19:00: Back in your accommodation for a little freshening up. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and take a cooling soak in the pool (if available). Alternatively, simply relax, soak in the atmosphere, and admire the lovely scenery.

19:00 – 20:00: Gather for a traditional dinner prepared by your hosts. The meal will feature local specialties, giving you another opportunity to indulge in the flavors of Pu Luong.

20:00 – 21:30: To make your travel and adventure cum cultural experience even more exciting, you shall be entertained with a cultural show by the indigenous communities right after dinner. This would include their traditional tunes of music, dances, and stories, giving you a taste of the actual cultural presentation of the residents of Thailand. Join in the festivities, partake in some rice wine, and share tales with fellow travelers.

21:30: Back to the room; rest, preparing for another day to explore Pu Luong.

Day 2: Pu Luong – Bamboo Rafting – Hanoi (Breakfast, Lunch)

07:00 – 08:00: Wake up with the light of dawn dancing through your window, enjoy breakfast while breathing fresh mountain air, and experience the tranquil early morning atmosphere that envelops Pu Luong.

08:00 – 09:00: If the weather permits after breakfast, take a short walk to visit the most outstanding features in Pu Luong, the iconic bamboo water wheels. They are seen to be built from bamboo or ancient wood, showing wonderful and incredibly intelligent creations related to water issues by locals for hundreds of years.

09:00 – 11:00: Further enjoy a great experience on bamboo rafting along the Cham River. Relax and paddle along the way that is flowing with fanciful striking green palettes of green in front of you, all under the relaxing sound of mother nature. It is a leisure time and full of the scene, you will have a unique impression of the landscape of Pu Luong Valley.

11:00 – 12:00: After rafting, back to your homestay for freshening up and packing your luggage. Check out and prepare for your journey back to Hanoi.

12:00 – 13:00: Have lunch at a local restaurant in Pu Luong to catch the last taste of regional flavors.

13:00 – 17:00: We will board the vehicle to return to Hanoi a scenic drive that looks from the window one more time at this wonderful landscape of Northern Vietnam. Stop on the way to a restroom location to enjoy some refreshments.

17:00 – 17:30: Arrive back at Hanoi in the early evening, and the plan includes dropping you at your hotel or a central place in the Old Quarter. This is where your unforgettable Tour comes to a close, back to Hanoi.

Experience the Magic: A 3-Day Cultural and Nature Immersion Tour to Pu Luong and Mai Chau from Hanoi

Day 1: Hanoi – Mai Chau

Ban Lac in the Tour to Pu Luong Departing from Hanoi

Ban Lac

07:30-08:00 – This morning we depart from Hanoi and everybody will meet at the rendezvous point in Hanoi Old Quarter for transfer to Pu Luong. Having met in the lively Old Quarter, the air will buzz with an overpowering sense of excitement. Presently, our comfortable vehicle will come to pick us up, we board it and soon find ourselves out of the city mess en route to the tranquil beauty of Pu Luong and Mai Chau. As we proceed, you will soon experience the changes from urban to rural settings that signal the amazing adventure ahead.

10:00 – We take our first stop at the breathtaking Thung Khe Pass. As we move forward, the misty mountains along with the lush valleys unwrap, providing some panoramic spectacular views. This is one of the best scenic viewpoints in North Vietnam that is perfectly suitable for catching up on pictures of postcard quality. Yet another fascinating place is the Muong Ethnic Market, where samples of local food are presented and you can take a look at the handcrafted products and be in touch with the rich culture of the region.

11:00 – We continue to Ban Lac, which is a very Thai village very nice and tranquility crossed by nature in the peaceful Mai Chau Valley. Life here goes slowly and you will immediately feel the local community’s warmth. Lunch will be in one of the traditional stilt houses, with fresh dishes locally and thoroughly infused with an authentic Thai flavor. After a fulfilling meal, it will be time to check in to our restful accommodation, where we can relax and enjoy our quiet surroundings

14:00-16:00 – After a rest, ride on bicycles to visit the charming Mai Chau Valley. Throughout green pouring fields, meandering rural lanes at the typical stilt house, being really inside local culture, a very leisurely pace allows time to learn about the Thai people’s life from our local guide. This is your chance to visit the many handicraft stalls, vibrantly set, to try your hand at some traditional weaving skills passed through the generations

16:00-18:00 – The afternoon is free and relaxing. You will continue biking along this valley with beautiful photos of this idyllic landscape or just lay down, rest, and quietly indulge in the peace of Mai Chau; it’s the coming-to-nature experience, the chance to breathe fresh air, and let the tranquil ambiance purify the soul.

18:00 – As the day proceeds into the evening part, we will all gather for dinner in an old, traditional Thai house. This meal will be more of a cultural heritage celebration for the region, full of dishes with lots of taste and cultural depth. An opportunity to sample some authentic Thai cuisine in very convivial company among your fellow travelers.

19:30 – It seems that at this time, the evening is set alive with the sounds of traditional music and dance the local Thai community is warmly inviting you and your clients to a cultural show offered to let you feel for yourselves the precious rhythms and melodies, perpetuated through the centuries within their culture. Enjoy a drink of rice wine, Ruou Can, with your newfound friends in the blithe atmosphere. The cultural show rendered for the evening is much more than entertainment; this is one evening of delving into the rich cultural tapestry of Mai Chau, arguably making your Tour to Pu Luong Departing from Hanoi truly unforgettable

Mai Chau Valley

Mai Chau Valley

Day 2: Discovering Bat Cave – Hieu Waterfall – Pu Luong (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

07:00 – Afterward, we enjoyed a really good night’s sleep as we began the day anew after a substantial breakfast lined up, prepared to catch the thrills and adventure ahead. We say goodbye to Mai Chau and go further to the deep mountains of the Pu Luong region. Road snakes down between picturesque landscapes providing a glancing view of its local life as well as rich natural beauty. This is the place where your adventure with Pu Luong Tours starts.

08:30 – Our place to be visited first in the day is the fantastic Bat Cave in Kho Muong Village. Coming closer, the cool shadowy entrance invites us to step in, inviting us to explore. This cave system is just a marvel of nature, but it houses a handful of bat species, rendering it an interesting place to visit and an area of interest for lovers of nature. Farther inside the cave, we see how a quiet clearness is occasionally broken by flittering bat wings, thus further spoiling it with mysticism. Ideally, walking through these huge chambers gives a person an impression of the beauty that Pu Luong Tours stores for a visit.

11:00 – After we explore the caves, marching straight into the heart area of Pu Luong, where you start feeling hungry, approach the local restaurant for lunch. It is here that you will savor mountains in the flavors of a range of fresh local foods. It is a perfect blend, something that characterizes the taste of Northern Vietnamese cuisine: a mixture of simplicity and richness.

14:00 -Re-energized and with our stomachs full, it was time to allow ourselves to indulge in one of the most beautiful natural marvels in all of Pu Luong: Hieu Waterfall. The waterfall takes on very different shapes depending on the season of the rain sometimes, it is a mild river flowing amidst the rocks. But during the rainy seasons, the gushing water is the best example nature can provide about the complete exhibition of nature’s powerful force. The clear, crystal water looks a lot inviting, one can even look forward to taking a plunge. The luxuriant forest and the waterfall ready the mind for a view that would be great for recreation or contemplation. These are the moments when Pu Luong Tours become unforgettable excursions into the heart of nature

18:00 – With the setting of the sun, we are heading back to our accommodation: it is time to rewind for rest after the day is gone. Our dinners are served on-site, meeting you still over another round of regional gastronomic experiences. Every meal is prepared with care, turning each dish into a swirl of traditional flavors the region is so rich in.

19:30 – To cap off the day, we gather for yet another high-spirited cultural exchange. Local members of the Thai community invite us to view a very typical music and dance performance where the rhythm of the drums and warmth of the people are going to create lifelong memories. It just is the perfect way to end the day in touch with the rich heritage that defines Pu Luong Tours.

Bat Cave

Bat Cave

Day 3: Pu Luong – Bamboo Rafting – Pho Doan Market – Cam Thuy – Hanoi

06:30-07:30 – Early wake up: don’t miss the fresh morning air with the peaceful beauty of Pu Luong. The terraced fields lie below, cloaked in morning mist which lends mysticism to it all. This is a great time for a peaceful walk or some quiet reflection before kicking off the day’s activities.

08:00 – After breakfast, we check out and drive to Pho Doan Market. It is an overwhelming highland market and is the trade center of the locals. This market operates on Thursdays and Sundays. The atmosphere here is fabulous, with all the different ethnic groups coming together to sell their products. This is, indeed, a wonderful place where one can experience local culture firsthand, listen to people’s stories, take a look at some unique souvenirs, and, why not, buy some little presents back home.

09:30 – Drive then to Suoi Cham, where exists a stream with beautiful landscapes. Attend a 2-kilometer village walk while crossing the suspension bridge, which gives you a soft shake while standing above the water. It is a good chance to see rice fields with great color and villages. Arrive at the stream and take part in an unforgettable bamboo rafting activity. Drift along the tranquil brook, enjoying the breathtaking views of the landscapes on both banks. The gentle current and the landscape are so serene that they put you in a quiet mood, not very different from the tranquility evoked most of the time by Pu Luong Tours.

11:00 – But as our journey in Pu Luong comes to an end, we depart toward Cam Thuy Town to have our farewell dinner at a great eatery in town. You will be served mountain snails, river fish, and free-range chicken a true flavor of Thanh Hoa’s culinary heritage. What a great way to end your culinary drive of Northern Vietnam.

13:00 – After lunch, we start driving back to Hanoi. On the way, we have a stop for you to stretch out and get some of the last souvenirs if you wish. On the drive through the picturesque countryside, free to reflect on the impressions of great experiences and gigantic landscapes during this Tour to Pu Luong Departing from Hanoi.

16:00 – We get back to Hanoi in the early evening and drop you off at your hotel or a central location in the Old Quarter. For those going to the airport, we will see to it that you get there in time for your flight. This concludes a memorable tour with Impress Travel. We hope that every minute on the trip to Pu Luong was enjoyable, and we eagerly await your return on your next trip!

Journey Through Nature: A 3-Day Cultural and Scenic Tour to Pu Luong and Mai Chau from Hanoi

Day 1: Hanoi – Pu Luong

07:00 – 07:30 – Commence Your Tour to Pu Luong Departing from Hanoi: Departure from Hanoi, picked up early in the morning in the lively Old Quarter. As our high-end limousine travels out of our capital, enjoy the bustling to serene sceneries of the Red River Delta.

10:00 – Be welcomed at the first lively Muong Ethnic Market in Hoa Binh, with colorfully represented materials and local produce awaiting you to discover. Then, set off for Thung Khe Pass to admire panoramic views of the misty mountains and valleys ideal for some capture moments.

13:00 – Arrive in Pu Luong Nature Reserve. Check-in with local lunch at a lodge among local villager’s houses. After lunch, check into your bungalow or the traditional homestay, sit back, and enjoy your serene hideaway in the mountains.

14:30 – 17:30 – Trek 6 km on wonderful paths through terraced rice fields and forests to visit a Black Thai village. Meet the villagers and learn about their culture and way of living, which altogether is different from yours, making it a natural and culturally interesting trek.

19:00 – Return home for dinner with the family, relishing a local homely dinner with warm hospitality waiting for you. Spend time in a communal stilt house or your private room as the sounds of nature soothe you toward a good rest tonight.

Day 2: Trekking and Bamboo Rafting on the Cham River

07:30 – 08:30 –Start with a filling breakfast amidst the serene mountain view around your accommodation. The cool air and perfect silence set up just the right vibe for what lies ahead in the day.

09:00 – Depart for a trek farther into Pu Luong, where travelers have a chance to discover some of the more remote villages connected by narrow paths running across terrace fields and suspension bridges in beautiful scenery.

11:00 – Visit the traditional Thai house by stilt to be acquainted with the stipulated architecture and ways of living by the people of this locality. Witness the traditional farming methods and way of life for these villagers that have sustained them over the years.

12:30 – After your hard morning hike, enjoy a peaceful lunch before beginning to raft with bamboo on the Cham River. Gently move downstream as you combine with the incredible landscapes of Pu Luong, all for a serene experience.

14:30 – Final lunch, then pack up and board our comfortable vehicle for the return journey to Hanoi. Drive back through picturesque countryside landscapes with reflections of unforgettable experiences.

Day 3: Pu Luong – Bamboo Rafting – Pho Doan Market – Cam Thuy – Hanoi (Breakfast, Lunch)

06:30 – 07:30 – Rise with the misty morning air and meander around the terraced fields surrounding your lodge, perfect as the sneak-out of the prince of darkness prepares the magic of daybreak.

08:00 – Go to Pho Doan Market, lively and rushed, providing truly local trading experiences. It’s a great place for souvenir shopping. The market is rather culturally significant because it represents the daily life of the respective ethnic groups living in or around the area.

09:30 – Nice stroll to Suoi Cham then bamboo rafting trip and flowing on a gentle stream into breathtaking landscapes and suffusing with peaceful nature better known as Pu Luong.

11:00 –Treat yourself to a farewell lunch in Cam Thuy to mark the end of your Pu Luong adventure and enjoy local specialties with mountain snails and river fish. It’s a tasty way to wrap the journey up before you leave for Hanoi.

13:00 –  After lunch, a straight drive departs for Hanoi with a refreshing stop en route to arrive in Hanoi early in the evening. Transfer directly to the hotel, and you are sure to say goodbye to a very nice tour.


That concludes this unforgettable Tour to Pu Luong Departing from Hanoi. Every moment on this tour from breathtaking treks among ripened, terraced rice fields, and tranquil bamboo rafting, to numerous trails providing a genuine culture exchange with local communities will leave a deep connection within you about the beauty and traditions of Pu Luong. Don’t miss your chance to experience this hidden gem. Book a Pu Luong Tour today from Impress Travel, and kick off an adventure you will cherish forever! Don’t forget to regularly follow our Impress Travel for more interesting information about traveling Pu Luong to and to book Pu Luong Tours at the best prices.

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Pu Luong Trekking - Banner
Pu Luong: Travel, tours, trekking & Homestay.
Pu Luong: Travel, tours, trekking & Homestay.
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Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
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Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay (1)
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Pu Luong: Travel, tours, trekking & Homestay.
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Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay (1)

Day 01

Hanoi – Mai Chau - Pu Luong ( L, D) - Trekking distance: 2.5km

  • Impress Travel Team will pick you up at the hotel in Hanoi center then tour departure at 8:00 Am to driving up into north-west of Hanoi, it is a breathtaking scenery on winding way to Mai Chau then continue driving to Pu Luong. You enter Pu Luong Nature Reserve by road via a breathtaking mountain pass giving you a panoramic view of the whole valley. You arrive at Pu Luong Retreat in time for a delicious lunch, followed by free time to explore the beautiful retreat, with its captivating panoramic views and tranquil setting.
  • After lunch, you will be transferred by car to a suspension bridge over the Cham River where you begin your walk in search of stunning water wheels. Get up close to each wheel and discover how water is moved from river to handmade bamboo aqueducts via simple constructions of all sizes.
  • Arriving at a local fisherman’s house, you have a short rest to gear up for the rafting adventure with Dinh and his team. Float along the calm river and enjoy the views, in between learning how to paddle and steer your handcrafted rafts.
  • Arriving at scenic Tan Lap Bridge, you disembark to be transferred back to Pu Luong Retreat for dinner.

Inclusion: Meals: 1 x lunch, 1 x dinner, Accommodation: Overnight at Pu Luong Retreat, private transfer, tour guide, water on van/car.

What’s included in this trip

  • Full transportation by private car  as tour program indicated.
  • Full meals as indicated in the itinerary.
  • English- speaking guide
  • Entrance fees.
  • Twin-share accommodation with daily breakfast; ( AC room).

What’s excluded in this trip

  • Personal insurance
  • Expenditure of a personal nature, tips, such as drinks, souvenirs, laundry, emergency transfers & etc.





Room Type


Pu Luong


Homestay or Resort or Retreat or Bungalows


You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress

Day 02

Pu Luong Discovery (B, L, D) - Trekking distance: 12km

  • Start early to descend into the beautiful valley facing the Retreat where you walk around tumbling rice terraces. Trek through small paths shrouded in vegetation to slowly reveal a picturesque (Uoi, Lan Trong – Lan Ngoai) village sitting at the base of a towering mountain. Your camera will not be able to sit still!
  • Continuing to the base of the valley, you weave between roads and farmland, villages and wild fields, ponds and rivers, mountains, and open land. Savor the ever-changing scenery before you come back to the Retreat for the lunch.
  • After enjoying delicious food, you will explore Hieu hidden and beautiful village by off-road jeep then enjoy the sole waterfall in Pu Luong before moving to your pick-up point to be transferred back to the Retreat.

Inclusion: Meals: 1 x breakfast, 1 x lunch, 1 x dinner, Accommodation: Overnight at Pu Luong Retreat, tour guide

Day 03

Pu Luong – Hanoi (B, L) - Trekking distance: 6km

  • You have the chance to get close to village life and interact with locals living in Kho Muong village. Have glimpses of daily life, walk around the working farmland and rice fields, followed by lunch at the Pu Luong Retreat.
  • Drive back to Hanoi in the afternoon with the difficult task of deciding which activity has been the best highlight. Arrive in Hanoi around 17:30. End of the trip.

Inclusion: Meals: 1 x lunch, Private Transfer, Tour Guide, Water on van/car.



    Pu Luong Tours

    Pu Luong is a natural reservation in the northern land of Vietnam. It is 160 km away from Hanoi and is a 4-hour drive north-west of Hanoi. Pu Luong Reserve is located in Quan Hoa & Bac Thuoc District, Thanh Hoa Province and shares a border with Hoa Binh Province in Tan Lac, Mai Chau, and Lac Son districts, and is divided by a central valley, which contains several human settlements and a large area of agricultural land, therefore, it is not included within the nature reserve. Pù Luông is endowed with great biodiversity, its flora and fauna are closely associated with the Cúc Phương National Park 25 km south-east. Impress Travel offers travelers a tour to explore Pu Luong combined with a Mai Chau trekking tour. It is a trekking tour from Mai Chau to Pu Luong, then an overnight stay at Pu Luong Retreat – 9 comfortable bungalows, 1 traditional stilt house with 16 comfy beds, an open-air restaurant with tasty cuisine, an infinity pool and spa with rock garden, all at your disposal. Come to Pu Luong Retreat to discover the hidden magic, of a place built by hand, with meticulous attention to detail, from the ground up puluong@impresstravel.com