Home » Travel Guider » Vietnam Travel » Hoa Binh Travel » Pu Luong Travel » Stay at Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Stay at Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Unleash that adventurer in you with Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours! In the core heart of the Pu Luong Nature Reserve Eco Lodge, we bring you the best in combining nature, culture, and adventure into a perfect blend. Imagine waking up to the calls of nature with all adventurers embarking on exhilarating treks in lush forests and immersing themselves in the rich Thai hill tribe culture. Our adventure tour is tailor-made for the intrepid traveler, the nature lover, and the culturist. Leaving these places, you’ll understand more about the natural beauty and cultural richness in lands like Pu Luong; truly Vietnam’s treasure.

Highlights of Stay at Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Key Activities and Attractions at Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Get ready for an action-packed, fun-filled adventure with Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours! Our tour activities may include main activities like the following:

  • Trekking through Terraced Fields:  One of the most intriguing things to do in Sapa. Wander around these stunning terraced rice fields, see the colors changing along with the seasons, and take breathtaking shots of these iconic landscapes
  • Village Visits: Meet the warm and friendly people of Thailand and have some heartfelt experiences about indigenous cultural traditions. Among their abundant cultural traditions, you will visit some Ancient Thai weaving, and maybe have a try yourself
  • Biking Tours: Cruise through the beautiful villages with lush green valleys on a bicycle, capturing an up-close and personal natural view of the region. Anticipate all these and more in an environmentally friendly means to have a Pu Luong view of sights and sound.
  • Eco-friendly Accommodation: Eco-friendly living is made easy at Pu Luong Eco Garden as soon as you check-in. The warm and snug room will provide a panoramic view of mountains and valleys, so sit back within this peaceful environment and relax in our eco-haven
Biking Tours for Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Biking Tours

Cultural Immersion at Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours with full immersion in the vibrant culture of the local Thai community and be able to

  • Meet the Locals: Interact with friendly Thai villagers who will relate to you their customs, stories, and way of life. Their hospitality will put you right at home
  • Traditional Crafts: Visit and observe the intricate traditional weaving and crafts. You might even get the chance to try it. All this practical exposure goes far to have a much deeper appreciation of the skills and artistry passed down from generations ago
  • Local Cuisine: Treat your taste buds to mouth-watering homemade local dishes with ingredients sourced fresh from the mountains and traditional tastes offering you an extraordinary stay, making your vacation just as memorable as your adventures.

Natural Beauty and Scenic Spots at Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

The miracles of the natural splendors in Pu Luong are not unique. Discover Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

  • Majestic Mountains: Trek through the towering peaks toward soft green hills, outlining the landscapes of Pu Luong. Each hike changes into distinct, breathtaking views that simply will leave you in awe.
  • Lush Valleys and Forests: Trail into the thickest of forests and lush valleys filled with a wide variety of flora and fauna. This tranquil environment has the privilege of getting close again to nature and is far from the hassle of life.
  • Cascading Waterfalls: Take a voyage to some of the most picturesque waterfalls in the region. Observe and listen to the cascading water, providing an ideal opportunity for peaceful serenity and reflection

Detailed Itinerary for Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Day 1: Discover Pu Luong: Experience Thai Culture

Morning: Departure and Journey

  • 7:00 AM – Pickup and Departure: The unforgettable journey with Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours commences with a pick-up by our friendly guide from your place of stay in Hanoi
  • 7:30 AM – Scenic Journey: Drive to Pu Luong by passing some of the north of the country’s most magnificent sceneries. You will gradually go clearer from the lowlands to the highlands, reviewing the converted scene of vast rice paddies into buffalo working lands, to junk figure hills, to overgrowing forest
  • 11:30 AM – Arrival at Pu Luong Eco Garden: We arrive on location. On arrival, you are welcomed in style with a refreshing welcome drink and introduced to the tranquil location of Pu Luong Eco Garde

Afternoon: Cultural and Natural Exploration

  • 12:00 PM – Lunch and Check-in: Feast on a sumptuous meal of native dishes again at the eco-garden restaurant. After that, head to your room, facing the valley and the mountains
  • 2:00 PM – Trekking and Meeting Local Thai People: Embark on a guided trekking tour of the surrounding terraced paddy fields and hills. En route, we will visit the local Thai villages as part of the trekking duration and make ourselves feel at one with the friendly hosts in their traditional-style houses
  • 5:00 PM – Return to Pu Luong Eco Garden: this makes free time waiting for you to relax after a tiring trekking day

Evening: Local Cuisine Dinner

  • 7:00 PM – Dinner: Relish the taste of the locally sourced ingredients offered by various delectable traditional Thai dishes.
  • 8:00 PM – Free Time: Dinner will be served followed by optional activities, including cultural performances or just finding a spot in the eco garden to chill.

Day 2: Explore Uoi Village and Lan Village

Morning: Breakfast and Light Trekking

  • 7:00 AM – Breakfast: Wake up to this healthy meal as the Keen Valley view feeds you in the eco garden.
  • 8:00 AM – Scenic Walk through Terraced Fields: Commence a light trekking journey, tracing one of the most scenic terraced fields in the area. The light of morning is perfect for photography and natural appreciation.
  • 9:30 AM – Visit Uoi Village: Walk in the village and experience its ambiance which is identified as one of the setting traditions of the stilt houses and community activities. Having had this walk, learned the levels of the daily routines of the Thai culture.
Visit Uoi Village for Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Visit Uoi Village

Afternoon: Biking and Cultural Activities

  • 12:00 PM – Lunch and Rest: You deserve a local homestay lunch with a little rest
  • 1:30 PM – Biking Around Lan Village: Biking Around Lan Village: Go further in-depth while touring on bikes with visits to the Lan Village, along with its surroundings, as it’ll be much closer to the intimate landscapes and local life. Witness houses of various ethnic tribes with presentations on traditional crafts, focusing on weaving and embroidery methods
  • 3:00 PM – Traditional Handicraft Experience: Traditional Handicraft Experience Let your hands be in motion as the traditional village artisan masters guide and show you their immersion into the craft. Here you can have your piece tailor-made for your original souvenir
  • 4:00 PM – Return to Pu Luong Eco Garden: After the biking and cultural activities, return to the eco garden to refresh and pack up

Evening: Departure to Hanoi

  • 5:00 PM – Check-out and Departure: Checking out from the room to prepare for the transfer back to Hanoi.
  • 5:30 PM – Return Journey: Board the vehicle for the return trip to Hanoi. Reflect on the beautiful memories made and the connections formed over the past two days
  • 8:30 PM – Arrival in Hanoi: Back to Hanoi, farewelled, and the guide will say goodbye. You may have a fulfilling feeling and even be eager to go back to the tranquil scenery of Pu Luong right now

Tips and Useful Information for Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Welcome to the expedition with Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours! As a guide, I am excited that this may be the best experience you will get. Here is the value of advice and information while you are on this journey

What to Pack for Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Packing for Pu Luong tours is an aspiration for adventure and comfort. Here is your checklist that guarantees nothing is left behind:

  • Comfortable Hiking Shoes: Steadfast and sturdy, you’ll want these shoes when trekking over the breathtaking landscapes spread throughout Pu Luong.
  • Lightweight Clothing: Pack breathable, lightweight, and quick-dry clothes suitable for hiking and biking. Layering is good in case of fluctuating temperatures.
  • Rain Gear: Stay dry when an unexpected downpour peaks with this lightweight jacket or poncho.
  • Sun Protection: Remember sunglasses, a hat with a wide brim, and sunscreen, all protecting you from the sun.
  • Insect Repellent: To repel away insects that will cause much nuisance during your outdoor stay.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Hydrate without waste.
  • Backpack: A small, comfortable backpack meant to be used during day trips to keep various necessary items secure.
  • Camera or Smartphone: Capture the scenic views and lovely moments!
  • Personal Medications: Bring any of your necessary medication alongside a basic first-aid collection

Health and Safety Precautions for Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Safety in Pu Luong Eco Garden and on all Trekking Tours is important to us. See the health and safety recommendations on the following:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially during hikes and outdoor activities.
  • Follow the guide’s instructions: Experienced guides know the lay of the land as well as the dangers. Always heed their every advice.
  • Pace Yourself: Listen to your body and take breaks when needed. Don’t push yourself too hard.
  • Be Aware of Wildlife: Pu Luong harbors its biodiversity. Keep a distance from wildlife, and never attempt to feed them.
  • Insect Protections: Use an insect repellent and wear long sleeves and pants at night to protect against mosquitoes.
  • Travel Insurance: We recommend taking out travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and adventurous activities.

Best Times to Visit at Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Pu Luong for Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Pu Luong

The best time frame to visit Pu Luong Eco-Garden and Trekking Tours are the spring months, March to May, and autumn months, September to November. Here’s why:

  • Spring (March to May): The climate is mild and very attractive. Everything is green and it makes this season excellent for trekking and other outdoor activities.
  • Autumn (September to November): The temperatures are cooler. The rice fields have been harvested, and the terraced fields have a beautiful golden color. Photos and cultural experiences are at their best.
  • Avoid the Rainy Season (June to August): Though Pu Luong looks beautiful year-round, in these months, trekking can be pretty slippery and challenging.

Cultural Etiquette and Respectful Behavior at Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Much of what is of great value in Pu Luong Tours lies in respecting local culture. So here are a few tips that will help you in your every interaction in a respectful way while you visit the local Thai communities:

  • Dress Modestly: Wear conservative attire when visiting their villages and when you are in their company, to reflect your respect for their culture.
  • Learn basic phrases. A few words in the local language can say much. Simple greetings and thank-you are always appreciated.
  • Ask for Permission: Ask for permission while taking pictures of people and houses. While in this case, most locals will be happy to oblige, it is also a courtesy extended.
  • Be Respectful in Homes: When visiting somebody’s house in some community you are going to, remove your shoes and do as expected by other certain local customs or any other information brought out to you.
  • Support Local Businesses: Purchase crafts and local products that can be directly sourced from artisans to maximize the benefit to the community

With the above tips for Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours, you’re set to get the most out of your adventure. Pack smart, stay safe, visit at the right time, and respect the rich culture of Pu Luong. Get prepared for an unforgettable experience in one of Vietnam’s prettiest and culturally rich regions!

Local Specialties and Souvenirs for Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours

Experience Pu Luong is not merely of the sights and lifetime cultural activities but also a food tour. Let me just guide you on some of the most delicious local specialties and worth buying souvenirs that capture the essence of Pu Luong

Vit Co Lung (Co Lung Duck)

sauce of salt, mac khen, and hat doi. It’s a dish that truly captures the flavors of Pu Luong!

The Vit Co Lung is often considered another delicacy in Pu Luong; this duck is something unique in the area. These ducks are native varieties, quite small in size with a short neck and small legs. The ducks are bred in the natural environment, harvested in general, and submerged diets in the stream and fields. The stressed duck is for its roast ducks with mac mat leaves; the flavor profile is unforgettable, such an entire savory choice. Imagine the duck marinated with aromatic leaves, roasted, and dressed with a dipping sauce made of salt, mac khen, and hat doi. This sure could be the dish representing the flavor of Pu Luong

Ca Bong Suoi (Stream Goby Fish)

Another culinary jewel of stream goby fish: small but full of flavor, tasted straight from the streams. Indeed, often grilled or fried crispy with herbs, a specialty of tender fish with brittle bones, it’s a delight for snacking, especially with glutinous rice or plain steamed rice. The meal is not ostentatious yet quite satisfying now, much the same as the rustic charm of Pu Luong

Mang Dang (Bitter Bamboo Shoots)

Bitter Bamboo Sprout It is one of the seasonal delights in Pu Luong, especially in the wet season. The appellation belies its taste, which is balanced and slightly bitter first with a sweet aftertaste. Whether stir-fried, stewed, or just plain boiled and dipped with mac khen and hat do, do not miss this one

Nom Hoa Chuoi Rung (Wild Banana Flower Salad)

Wild Banana Flower Salad

Wild Banana Flower Salad

One such example includes that of a wild banana flower salad, thinly sliced banana flowers mixed with herbs, thinly sliced pig ears, and a refreshing dressing of lime, chilies, and fish sauce drooled all over. Others include smoked buffalo meat for added smokiness, truly invigorating. It’s a balance of flavors and textures that just hits the spot, leaving you craving more

Canh La Dang (Bitter Leaf Soup)

This classic soup goes hand in hand with an acquired taste and is definitely for the adventurous eater. Made from bitter leaves and a host of meats such as chicken or buffalo tripe, it is filling and great for health. Bitter at the onset, it eventually turns sweet, leaving a lovely aftertaste that titillates and tantalizes.

Com Lam (Bamboo Rice)

What is a visit to Pu Luong without its famed Com Lam, or bamboo rice? This free-size, wear-resistant glutinous rice is soaked and then stuffed inside tubes made out of bamboo, which have been lined inside by banana leaves. The tubes themselves are always laid open on all sides and then roasted over an open fire, giving this rice its unique delicate, slightly smoky flavor. This rice is usually enjoyed with roasted Co Lung duck or mountain chicken. Intense and primordial: earthy and tasty.

Thit Ga Doi (Hill Chicken)

Small in size, naturally reared chickens on these hills are flavor bombs in their ways. They are free-roaming with foraging habits that mostly involve wild herbs, making them quite firm in meat texture, interspersed with fragrance. Whether steamed, grilled, or stir-fried, these chickens never fail to show the pure and natural diet they survive on in Pu Luong

Thit Lon Cap Nach (Hill Pork)

Another famous local delicacy here is hill pork, characters with leanness and succulence. These pigs usually walk without restraint, ranging inside the forest, and drink water from natural springs, rendering the meat tasty. The pork is, in most cases, stuffed with local herbs, including mac khen, and hat doi, among others, and then grilled to the right point, giving a tasty, crunchy, and juicy dish

Thit Trau Gac Bep (Smoked Buffalo Meat)

Smoked buffalo meat is a traditional preparation made during the lunar new year, as well as at other times of the year. The meat is marinated in spices like mac khen, hat doi, and some chili before being slowly smoked. This is carried out with meat to preserve it and render some classy, smoky flavors that make them perfect to accompany snack food or put in stew

Oc Da (Rock Snails)

Rock snails, on the other hand, do not come by that much and are quite the delicacy, available in the rainy season only. They are steamed on fire with a bit of lemongrass and a bit of chili to make them soft and tasteful. Derived from its sweet nature and flavored spices, which categorize it as quite a memorable dish.

Souvenirs to Take Home

When you must leave, make sure to bring a piece of Pu Luong home with you. Here are my favorites:

  • Ruou Sieu Men La (Herbal Rice Wine): This is a locally traditional beverage made by using various local herbs, thus giving a unique but slightly spicy taste to it.
  • Tra Soi Rung (Wild Jasmine Tea): Known for its soothing properties and delicate flavor, this will make it a great gift for loved ones.
  • Mat Ong Rung (Wild Honey): Wild Pu Luong honey is rich and fragrant, a natural sweetener with a myriad of human health benefits.
  • Siro Quyt Hoi (Mandarin Orange Syrup): Refreshing and healthy beverage prepared from local mandarins that can hit the spot for quenching a hot thirst.
  • Mang Nua Say Kho (Dried Bamboo Shoots): Of all the respective qualities that the word “best" brings out here, dried bamboo shoots are lightweight, easy to pack, and very convenient to use in almost endless dishes.

Come join Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours so that you can have a hand-to-mouth feel of these specialties as well as souvenirs. Each taste. Every article is part of the tapestry of culture in Pu Luong, waiting to be discovered by you

Impress Travel: Your Trusted Tour Provider

Welcome to Impress Travel: the real deal when it comes to the most memorable Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours! Let me share with you why we are your best chance to explore breathtaking landscapes and rich culture in Pu Luong

Company Background

Impress Travel is among the top tour operators in Vietnam and has more than a decade of experience creating unique and memorable travel experiences. Our deep knowledge of the region and dedication to sustainable tourism at Pu Luong Tours will make us the best partner. We think a travel operator, with its travel experts being passionate, devoted, and agile, can ensure every minute detail of this journey is planned and executed to perfection

Commitment to Quality and Safety

At Impress Travel, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction above all else. Our Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours are designed with the highest standards of quality and safety in mind. Here’s how we ensure a top-notch experience:

At Impress Travel, customers always come to the first place for safety level and satisfaction; therefore, Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours give service that is of the highest possible professional standard and care of quality and safety. Here is how:

  • Expert Guides: Certified local guides who know Pu Luong in and out, nook, and corner regarding its history, culture, and geography. They have been trained to cope with any situation during the time of the tour and ensure visitors are dealt with safely while providing information.
  • Sustainable Practices: We commit ourselves to the environment for the protection and welfare of the local community. We make sure most of our tours don’t damage the environment; instead, they contribute to sustainable tourism.
  • Health and Safety Protocols: We operate taking great heed to strict health and safety guidelines, which provide individuals with peace of mind, as they don’t have to worry about a thing. This includes first-aid, safe trekking paths, and extreme standards of hygiene

Booking Information and Contact Details

Feeling incredibly excited about your life’s adventure with Pu Luong Eco Garden Trekking Tours? It sounds great that making a secured booking through Impress Travel is very easy and without any hassle. Below is how to get in touch with us:

  • Website: Visit our official website at www.impresstravel.com to explore our tour options and make a reservation.
  • Email: For inquiries and bookings, email us at info@impresstravel.com. Our friendly customer service team will respond promptly to assist you.
  • Phone: Call us at (+84) 912 379 189 for immediate assistance and to speak directly with one of our travel consultants.
  • Office Locations:
    • Hanoi Head Office: 125 Hoang Ngan, Hanoi, Vietnam
    • Saigon Office: 155 Ben Van Don, Rivergate, 4 District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Make sure you get the ultimate best travel experience with Impress Travel. Now, it is as easy as joining our Pu Luong Eco Garden and Trekking Tours, where trekking gets a new life with a visit to the best in the business. Let’s create some ever-memorable moments together


Thank you for being on this amazing adventure with Pu Luong Eco Garden and their trekking tours team! The incredible journey of excitement has seen us through breathtaking landscapes and the rich culture of the local Thai people in the serene beauty of Pu Luong. From trekking over lush intensive fields with heartwarming locals, cycling around memorable villages, to participating in traditional handicrafts, this day was the epitome of adventure and discovery. Every one of our eco-friendly stay-over places assured relaxation and breathtaking views at the Pu Luong Eco Garden; this wasn’t a travel just for sightseeing but creation of memories and getting to feel the soul of this hidden gem of Vietnam, Pu Luong. Don’t forget to regularly follow our Impress Travel for more interesting information about traveling Pu Luong to and to book Pu Luong Tours at the best prices

Pu Luong trek in rice terrace
Pu Luong trek in rice terrace
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Trekking - Banner
Pu Luong Trekking - Banner
Pu Luong: Travel, tours, trekking & Homestay.
Pu Luong: Travel, tours, trekking & Homestay.
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay (1)
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay (1)
Pu Luong trek in rice terrace
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Trekking - Banner
Pu Luong: Travel, tours, trekking & Homestay.
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay
Pu Luong Travel Tours Trekking Homestay (1)

Day 01

Water wheels walk and rafting | 3 km easy walk – 1.5 hours | 800m river rafting – about 45 minutes

AM: You enter Pu Luong Nature Reserve by road via a breathtaking mountain pass giving you a panoramic view of the whole valley. You arrive at your accommodation in time for a delicious lunch, followed by free time to explore the beautiful retreat, with its captivating panoramic views and tranquil setting.
PM: You will be transferred to a suspension bridge over the Cham River, where you begin your walk in search of stunning water wheels. Get up close to each wheel and discover how water is moved from river to handmade bamboo aqueducts via simple constructions of all sizes.
Arriving at a local fisherman’s house, you have a short rest to gear up for the bamboo river rafting . Float along the calm river and enjoy the views, in between learning how to paddle and steer your handcrafted rafts.
Arriving at scenic Tan Lap bridge, you disembark to be transferred back to Pu Luong Natura for dinner.

What’s included in this trip

  • Private bed (House on stilt) or Private room with ensuite bathroom (for Bungalow).
  • All activities are mentioned in specific itineraries.
  • Transfer around Puluong during tour.
  • Entrance and Sightseeing fees.
  • Local guide (none speak English).
  • Full board: 2 lunches, 1 dinner, 1 breakfasts.
  • River rafting.
  • Free Wi-Fi at Pu Luong Natura.
  • Welcome drink.
  • 2 bottles of water in rooms dail

What’s excluded in this trip

  • Personal insurance
  • Expenditure of a personal nature, tips, such as drinks, souvenirs, laundry, emergency transfers & etc.





Room Type


Pu Luong



You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress

Day 02

Enthralling trekking routes | 19 km easy walking – 6 hours

AM: Start early to descend into the beautiful valley facing the Natura where you walk around tumbling rice terraces. Trek through small paths shrouded in vegetation to slowly reveal a picturesque village sitting at the base of a towering mountain. Your camera will not be able to sit still!
Continuing to the base of the valley, you weave between roads and farmland, villages and wild fields, ponds and rivers, mountains and open land. Savor the ever-changing scenery as you trek to a beautiful spot to enjoy a simple picnic lunch.
PM: After enjoying delicious food, you have free time to explore the refreshing water to the nearby river, before moving to our pick up point to be transferred back to the resort.

Day 02

Village life and the community | 4,5 km easy walk – 2 hours

AM: You have the chance to get close to village life and interact with locals living in the hills above the resort. Glimpse at daily life, walk around working farmland and rice fields, and learn about making weaving colourful textiles, followed by lunch at the Lodge.
PM: Check out the Lodge. See you next time!



    Pu Luong Tours

    Pu Luong is a natural reservation in the northern land of Vietnam. It is 160 km away from Hanoi and is a 4-hour drive north-west of Hanoi. Pu Luong Reserve is located in Quan Hoa & Bac Thuoc District, Thanh Hoa Province and shares a border with Hoa Binh Province in Tan Lac, Mai Chau, and Lac Son districts, and is divided by a central valley, which contains several human settlements and a large area of agricultural land, therefore, it is not included within the nature reserve. Pù Luông is endowed with great biodiversity, its flora and fauna are closely associated with the Cúc Phương National Park 25 km south-east. Impress Travel offers travelers a tour to explore Pu Luong combined with a Mai Chau trekking tour. It is a trekking tour from Mai Chau to Pu Luong, then an overnight stay at Pu Luong Retreat – 9 comfortable bungalows, 1 traditional stilt house with 16 comfy beds, an open-air restaurant with tasty cuisine, an infinity pool and spa with rock garden, all at your disposal. Come to Pu Luong Retreat to discover the hidden magic, of a place built by hand, with meticulous attention to detail, from the ground up puluong@impresstravel.com