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Mu Cang Chai Then Ha Giang Package Tour From Hanoi

Please welcome our Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour to ensure an indelible journey in your lifetime. Imagine exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Northern Vietnam, where the beauty of nature converges with cultural richness and adventurous spirit. Let’s take a closer look and prepare for an expedition that will leave you with lifelong memories.

Highlights of the Mu Cang Chai Then Ha Giang Package Tour

Khau Pha Pass-Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour

Khau Pha Pass

Explore Majestic Landscapes

Majestic Landscapes Await: Next comes the Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour, where you get to tour some of the most spectacular parts of the country. This way, imagine how you feel while standing at the pass, almost passable by Vietnam’s highest mountains, the panoramic view stretching out before you, showing terraced rice fields that seem like giant staircases up to the heavens.

  • Khau Pha Pass: Particularly one of the four big passes of the Northwest, Khau Pha and the magnificent scenes are always traveler favorites while reaching out to the adventurers and the photographers.
  • Ngai Thau Peak: It will make you feel on top of the world, as though you’re standing at the top of the clouds lazily floating over the jagged mountains.
  • Chieu Lau Thi: Behold the sunset as you have never viewed it; tinges of orange and pink are painted across in the sky, and they don’t stop glowing on mountains, giving a magical effect to each and every valley.

Cultural Immersion Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour

Dive into the Rich Culture of Northern Vietnam: Experience the Rich Culture of Northern Vietnam: The Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour does not stop at a view of landscapes; it’s an in-depth cultural journey right into the heartland of local cultures. You get to meet and interact with many ethnic groups, each having their own traditions and way of life.

  • H’Mong, Dzao, Lo Lo, Tay, La Chi Communities: Know their history, habits, daily life. Observe traditional crafts being made; join in some local dances; and hear their interesting stories.
  • Traditional Houses: Visit the traditional style homes; every building speaks of generations bygone.
  • Local Crafts and Performances: Be enchanted by the intricate designs evident on handmade textiles, witness the spinning of pottery, and be elevated with folk music and dance forms that mirror the soul of such communities.

Culinary Delights Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour

Savor the Flavors of Northern Vietnam: No travel happens without a delicious intake of local food. The Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour brings along a gastronomic journey rich and diversified with the landscapes.

  • Thang Co (Horse Meat Soup):  Taste one of Sapa’s specialties, which has long been done using horse meat, boiled in a quantity of herbs and spices that produce a flavor at once exotic and unforgettable.
  • Pho Chua (Sour Pho): Sour pho, which means a kind of sour pho,is another specialty variation of this famous Vietnamese noodle soup— sour broth with tender meat and fresh herbs.
  • Ruou Ngo (Corn Wine): Taste traditional ruou ngo, corn wine, which locals constantly drink at famous festivals and celebrations.

Add to that the many food markets and local eateries along the way, and you get a myriad of opportunities for trying these and many other culinary treats. Whether partaking of a meal inside a rustic restaurant or trying some street cuisine off a crying market, Northern Vietnam will reward your senses with its flavors and expertise—quite prepared for today’s offense.

Detailed Itinerary Of Mu Cang Chai Then Ha Giang Package Tour

Ngai Thau Peak-Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour

Ngai Thau Peak

Day 1: Hanoi to Hoang Su Phi (293km, 7 hours)

Departure from Hanoi

At 7:00 AM, our comfortable tour bus will pick you up from the designated meeting point. Leaving the hustle and bustle of the city, a change of scenery will begin to be seen in views of large, green agricultural land and small, rural villages.

Breakfast stop and sightseeing en route

By the late morning we’ll have plenty of stops for breakfast; during this time, we get a chance to stretch our legs and indulge in some of the local Vietnamese foods at one of the area eateries. Don’t forget to try the famous “banh mi" or a hearty bowl of “pho".

Arrival and evening in Hoang Su Phi

In the later afternoon, we shall be at Hoang Su Phi. You shall be transited to your deserving, pleasing hotel to rest for the night. During the evening hours, we’ll gather at the hotel to have a pretty appetizing dinner. You can expect to find something very local on the menu and acquaintance with your travel comrades. All of you may go about drifting about the tranquil Hoang Su Phi city for a closer observation or return to the hotel for a serene experience.

Day 2: Hoang Su Phi to Xin Man to Bac Ha (113km, 4h15)

Morning market visit in Hoang Su Phi

After breakfast, we visit the local market. Colorful and full of character, this is the hub of action as the H’Mong, Dzao, and other hill tribes come to sell their merchandise—all dressed in their traditional brightly colored attire. It’s a photographer’s paradise and a perfect way to start your day.

Exploration of terraced fields

The following destination is the renowned terraced fields of Hoang Su Phi, particularly in the villages of Ban Luoc, San Sa Ho, and Ban Phung. These are places of sheer agricultural engineering worked out on mountains for centuries. You will have enough time to wander around, take photos, and learn from locals about rice cultivation techniques.

Travel to Bac Ha and evening exploration

After lunch at a local restaurant, we’ll start our ride towards Bac Ha via Xin Man. The journey itself is an adventure, going on winding roads with scenarios of beautiful landscapes. Check in to your hotel upon arrival at Bac Ha, and spend as much time as you willwish. In the evening, dinner will be at a local restaurant where we can try grilled pork and sticky rice among other meals with the famous local corn wine, Ruou Ngo. Free time walking around Bac Ha’s gentle nights, then back for rest as we refresh and ready ourselves for another day of adventure.

Day 3: Bac Ha to Lao Cai to Y Ty (150km, 2h40)

Bac Ha market visit

We start out with a visit to Bac Ha, one of the biggest and most colorful ethnic markets in the region. From there, selling everything from traditional costumes to livestock, this is really a good chance to get a feel for the culture. Grant friendly locals, and maybe even take home a few local souvenirs on your own.

Historical and cultural sites: Hoang A Tuong’s palace, Ta Chai

This would be followed by the destination of the Hoang A Tuong Palace, which is an architectural marvel erected in the early 20th century. The grand palace is uniquely constructed with both French and Chinese kinds of architecture that allows one a peek into its opulent past of the kings belonging to the H’Mong tribe. We will also stop by Ta Chai, a beautiful area known for its richness in culture.

Arrival in Y Ty, sightseeing at Lung Po

We have lunch before we drive to Y Ty via great landscapes and quaint villages. Upon arrival, we visit Lung Po – the junction where the Red River enters our homeland, really a historic and very scenic site. Later on, we check-in at our chosen accommodation and enjoy dinner with local specialties such as mountain pork and fish living in the river. The evening is free time for exploration of Y Ty, which seems small enough, or relax easily.

Day 4: Y Ty to Muong Hum to Sapa (70km)

Morning market visit in Y Ty

Early morning, head out to Y Ty Market. Special about this market is that it’s one of the very few remaining places where one can get a close-up look at traditional ways of life of the La Chi and other ethnic groups.

Journey through forests and villages to Sapa

We’ll move next to highly forested areas and lovely villages. This road is so visible; hence, we will take full advantage of this possibility for some of the best photos. Upon arrival at Muong Hum, one of our destinations, we will stop here and enjoy the serene atmosphere with the friendly locals.

Evening in Sapa

Late afternoon, we will arrive at Sapa. After checking in to your hotel, spend some extra time strolling around the town—which is actually very nice. Enjoy a local specialty dinner at a local restaurant, where guests will have the opportunity to taste one of the many specialty dishes available in the region, such as Pho Chua, or Sour Pho. Cap off the day with the dynamic of Sapa realized in the evening—its many expressions of both tradition and modernity bathing in the setting sun.

Day 5: Sapa to Mu Cang Chai (200km)

Exploration of Sapa’s highlights: Ham Rong Mountain, Cat Cat Village:

Right after breakfast, you are ready to be transferred to visit Sapa’s most famous places. Mountain Ham Rong offers panoramic views of Sapa town and the mountains. The next destination chosen would be Cat Cat Village, where you will experience a traditional H’mong village and witness life at close quarters—the way they go about their handwork and farming techniques.

Travel to Mu Cang Chai, evening in a homestay: 

Afternoon drive to Mu Cang Chai. The very long and airy road has a great background for taking photos along the way. We will check-in at our Homestay upon arrival. Be warmly welcomed by a local family, enjoy the homestay ambiance with hospitality, a friendly smile of people here. Enjoy a home-made dinner with dishes of this mountainous region; relax in a peaceful atmosphere in this evening.

Day 6: Mu Cang Chai to Hanoi (300km) – Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour

Visit to La Pan Tan, Che Cu Nha, De Xu Phinh: 

We will wake up at dawn and visit some of the iconic ปรned fields of Mu Cang Chai: La Pan Tan, Che Cu Nha, De Xu Phinh, which are incredibly beautiful during harvest time. Which only means, during the tour, these areas are waiting for you to produce beautiful photo shots.

Return to Hanoi with stops for local products: 

After the morning of exploration, we will begin the drive to Hanoi. En route, we will stop by some local markets and shops for regional specialties that you might want to buy. Handcrafted textiles, local teas, or secluded souvenirs—this visit typically serves as one final taste of the rich culture informing Northern Vietnam.

Arrival in Hanoi: 

In the evening, we reach Hanoi. Our bus will drop you at the meeting point where it began. And this marks the end of our incredible journey together. We hope that you have enjoyed the Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour and created such lovely memories to be remembered throughout your lifetime. At last, we would like to thank you for traveling with Impress Travel!

Key Experiences and Attractions in Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour

Chieu Lau Thi-Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour

Chieu Lau Thi

Terraced Rice Fields

These are engineering wonders of terraced fields that the ethnic minorities of Northern Vietnam have spent centuries building. Every step is carved exactly into the mountain, and it gives the effect of a falling stairway, transforming the landscape into green and golden waves. The fields are irrigated at planting time, and the water reflects the sky, creating a mesmerizing mirror-like surface. When the rice gets ripe, it completely turns the fields green; during harvest time, it shimmers in golden color that is pleasurable to behold.

Mountain Passes and Scenic Views

Get ready to witness some of these thrilling views! The Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour will drive you through some of the most beautiful mountain passes in Vietnam, each offering breathtaking panoramas and unforgettable experiences.

Overview of the Most Scenic Mountain Passes:

  • Khau Pha Pass: Known to most as one of the four great passes of Northern Vietnam, Khau Pha Pass offers breathtaking views down to the terraced fields below. It is very famous among photographers and adventure seekers.
  • Ngai Thau Peak: On top of it, you will feel like you are standing at the top of the world. At this peak, one can see that a rugged chain of mountains was floating in mid-air under a sea of floating clouds, creating the surreal magical atmosphere.
  • Chieu Lau Thi: The sunset from Chieu Lau Thi is absolutely breathtaking. In a jiffy, the sky turns into an inexpressible mix of colors, which moments after the sun reaches its terminator finally turn entirely orange and pink, as if firing up mountains and valleys alike.

To make the most of these scenic spots, here are some tips:

  • Arrive early: The early mornings are best for both visibility and light, which works well for photography.
  • Stay safe: The roads are winding and steep, so travel with an experienced driver and take precautions.
  • Bring a camera: These are views to die for, so do make sure to capture them!

Ethnic Villages and Local Life in Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour

Be one with the vast cultural heritage of Northern Vietnam. The Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour will give you a valuable opportunity to be lifetime witnesses of the daily life and traditions of various ethnic minorities.

Insights into the Daily Life and Traditions of Ethnic Minorities

A visit to ethnic villages offers a view and feel of daily life routines and age-old traditions that characterize the lives of the H’Mong, Dzao, Lo Lo, Tay, and La Chi communities. The mentioned tribes have managed to retain a way of life passed from generation to generation with very little change; hence, one can get a thrilling view of their culture.

Recommended Villages and Cultural Experiences:

  • H’Mong Villages: Visit the classic villages of H’Mong, featuring their typical wooden houses, multicolored costumes, and sophisticated embroidery. Interact with the people and see an inside look into farming techniques; participate in a workshop in local handicrafts if time allows.
  • Dzao Villages: The Dzao people are evinced with very detailed, glossy silver jewelry. You can become a part of traditional ceremonies and folk performances within these very villages.
  • Lo Lo, Tay, and La Chi Villages: Among all these ethnic groups, each has different customs and traditions. Explore native villages, taste local delicacies, and listen to folk stories with songs.

Practical Information for Travelers

Essential items

  • Legal Documents: Always have your passport or ID for identification on you.
  • Personal Care Items: Bring your toothbrush and paste, soap, other hygiene items.
  • Medications: Pack any necessary medications, including those for common ailments like headaches or stomach issues.

Optional Items for Comfort and Convenience

  • Comfortable Clothing: Wear layered clothing that will keep you warm in variable weather.
  • Good Walking Shoes: Essential for trekking and exploring the terraced fields and villages.
  • Camera and Extra Batteries: This will prove very necessary in capturing the various beautiful landscapes and memorable moments.

Travel Tips

  • Advice on Traveling in the Mountainous Regions:
    • Stay Hydrated: Altitude and exertion will dehydrate you rapidly.
    • Take it Slow: Give more time for the altitude to sink in to avoid falling sick from altitude sickness.
  • Cultural Etiquette and Respectful Behavior:
    • Dress Modestly: be respectful to the local ways of life by dressing conservatively, more so when visiting villages.
    • Be Respectful: Always take permission before clicking the picture of the people; respect their traditions and customs.
Thang Co (Horse Meat Soup)-Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour

Thang Co (Horse Meat Soup)


As this Mu Cang Chai then Ha Giang package tour is coming to a close, hopefully, you have enjoyed each and every moment of this mind-blowing adventure. From the gorgeous field views of terrace sights to mountain passes down to rich cultural experiences with ethnic minorities, this tour offers that very unique blend between the beauty of nature and its cultural immersion. Pack your bags, bring your adventurous spirit along, and join us for an unforgettable adventure in Northern Vietnam! Don’t forget to regularly follow our Impress Travel for more interesting information about traveling to Mu Cang Chai and to book Mu Cang Chai tours at the best prices.

The impression tour to explore Mu Cang Chai’s impressive landscape of rice terrace fields in the north-west of Vietnam. It is the best value tour to visit Mu Cang Chai at the beginning of October when is the rice crop coming, traveler will have a great chance to take photographs of the rice terrace field in Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai province where is 350 km from Hanoi. Email – mucangchaitours@impresstravel.com to create a great trip to visit Mu Chang Chai Beautiful Landscape of Vietnam.

Che Cu Nha Village Tour
Che Cu Nha Village Tour
Che Cu Nha Village
Che Cu Nha Village
Yen Bai - Mu Cang Chai Rice Terrace (14)
Yen Bai - Mu Cang Chai Rice Terrace (14)
Sapa Tavan Village
Sapa Tavan Village
Sapa Vietnam Travel
Sapa Vietnam Travel
Sapa Autumn
Sapa Autumn
Sapa Summer
Sapa Summer
Che Cu Nha Village Tour
Che Cu Nha Village
Yen Bai - Mu Cang Chai Rice Terrace (14)
Sapa Tavan Village
Sapa Vietnam Travel
Sapa Autumn
Sapa Summer

Tours Itinerary

Day 01

Hanoi – Tu Le – Mu Cang Chai (L,D)

  • Impress Travel – Mu Cang Chai Tours department will pick you up at the hotel, then driving to west of Hanoi following the national way – No.32 to Nghia Lo district of Yen Bai province.
  • Have lunch in a local restaurant in Nghia Lo, then keep on driving up to Mu Cang Chai.
  • We stop-over in Tu Le for visiting and admire the imposing landscape of mountains and valleys and the beautiful rice terrace field of this area – Tu Le, Van Ban district of Yen Bai province.
  • Mu Cang Chai, dinner and overnight

Day 02

Mu Cang Chai – Nghia Lo (B,L,D)

  • Visiting & take photograph Che Cu Nha Rice Terrace Field of Hmong people
  • Visiting & take photographs Che Xu Phinh, La Phan Tan – it was recognized as the national landscape of Vietnam in 2007.
  • Return to Mu Cang Chai for lunch
  • Leaving Mu Cang Chai to Nghia Lo, free to discover the wildland of Nghia Lo, then dinner and overnight here.

Day 03

Mu Cang Chai – Nghia Lo (B,L,D)

  • Enjoy the fresh air and breakfast in Nghi Lo, check out the hotel or homestay
  • Leaving Nghia Lo to visit Suoi Giang Eco-Park where is a part of Hong Lien Son national park, it is home to ancient green tea, we walk around to know about the special green tea of Vietnam and take photographs in the tea garden.
  • Visiting Hoc village where is hot-steam, the traveler can enjoy and have a bath in the natural hot-water of the stream.
  • Have lunch, then return to Hanoi. The trip is over and enjoys a great time with Impress Travel

What’s included in this trip:

  • A/C accommodation -Stay overnight at homestay ( Homestay is clean, the basis of bedding with the cleanness of pillow, blankets, net-mosquito and western bathroom style) with breakfast
  • A/C transfer from Airports to hotel and other tourist destinations according to the itinerary
  • Meals as indicated in the itinerary.
  • English- speaking guides
  • Entrance fees,
  • Mineral water ( 2 bottles/ per day with sightseeing tour )

What’s excluded in this trip:

  • All international and domestic flights
  • Specified as Chinese/ Malaysian/ Indonesian/ Thai speaking guide can be available on request to pay for extra-fee.
  • Travel Insurance
  • All meals not mentioned
  • Tips for tour guides, drivers, crew members in Halong Bay, other attendants if may have (3USD/pax/day)
  • Other personal expenses not mentioned
  • For tailor-made, customized tour, or private tour please email to customize@impresstravel.com





Room Type


Sapa  3 -star Hotels


Homestay in Nghia Lo & Mu Cang Chai.

Optional to have a preference for a stay in Hotel as your request.


The hotels and cruise are subject to change to similar category in case of fully booked


You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress


    The best

    Mu Cang Chai


    Truly beautiful and breathtaking scenery from terraced rice fields, mountains, hills and streams, The suitable place for study ethnic people, Amazing experiences for trekking, taking photograph, joying homestay