Home » Travel Guider » 3-morning tour to explore the life of the people of the Mekong River

3-morning tour to explore the life of the people of the Mekong River

Well, are you excited to go deep into the morning tour to explore the life of the people of the Mekong River? Put on your hats and walk around this vibrant and colorful voyage highlighting similar to its track record the old essence of day-to-day life in the Mekong together. This is not simply any excursion; those are paths to the driving rhythm of the maximum astounding waterways on this planet. So what can you expect out of this unforgettable experience?

Tour Option 1: 2-Day Mekong Delta Journey

Mekong Lodge - morning tour to explore the life of the people of the Mekong River

Mekong Lodge

Day 1: From Cai Be to Sa Dec – A Journey Begins

10:00 AM: You check in, under a shining sun, there is a lot of river traffic at Cai Be. We will gain access to a small motor boat that will take us deep into the Cai Be floating market. Picture yourself perched amid a fleet packed with colorful fresh produce and hand-crafted wares. Here are the Mekong Tours of Life that, you can see firsthand how commerce determines life on the river.

Late Morning: We will visit some handicraft villages near our hotel. Your opportunity to enjoy the handcraft work of local artisans who use their generational skills to produce some regional items here. Oh, and of course, you will get to taste some tropical fruits a sweet reminder of the delicious fruits that grow here.

Midday: We will check out Mekong Lodge, this eco-resort has more than 40 bungalows along the way and you can enjoy your stay near the Mekong River. Explore the area and observe locals going about their traditional daily lives, fishing or making a meal as their ancestors may have.

Afternoon: Your cruise will continue to the village of Sa Dec, the corner where we use a smaller boat for a more in-depth exploration of the pea green lifeblood river, hidden channels, and peaceful canals on trace with vegetation by skiffs, be filled with fisherman delivering their products along the teeming waterway as well many pirogues loaded with the fruits..reach land..keep cycling 20km through brick making villages or unexpected markets at a tangent while reaching our homestay late in the afternoon.

Wind down the afternoon on the deck with an aperitif as the sun eases away. Sit by the river, caressed by slow current, and painted swirls in the sky, sipped hand to memories coming undone. Dinner will be a fantastic experience after we retire upstairs to our cabin for the night while anchored somewhere near Sa Dec.

Day 2: Unveiling Sa Dec – A Cultural Treasure Trove

Huynh Thuy Le Old House - morning tour to explore the life of the people of the Mekong River

Huynh Thuy Le Old House

Morning: Morning Rise and shine for an early breakfast, after which you’ll be transferred to a local boat for your final-day adventures cruising the Mekong River. But this town is more than just a stop, it is a place of literary legendary status, famously seen in Marguerite Duras’s “The Lover".

8:00 AM: Disembark to visit the Huynh Thuy Le Old House & local market. Walk through time as we uncover a stunningly elegant Half Foreign Half-Vietnamese Mansion + Live Local Market The beautiful architecture of Sa Dec is dotted with Kien An Cung and the fascinating Cao Dai temple that peeps into a rich cultural canvas.

Late Morning: We don’t just watch; we participate! Take a stroll on foot or by bike, rooted in a local garden with the farmers and find yourself amid fields and orchards. This is where you experience the real spirit of the Mekong with its people and their land.

Conclusion of our tour, you will not get only pictures but also stories and the value of local morning daily life on both sides of the Mekong River with us on the Tour to Local Daily Life on Both Sides Of the Mekong River. Then you go on to HCM (or straight out of the Mekong, and into the world).

Tour Option 2: 2-Day Journey from Cai Be to Can Tho

Cai Be Floating Market - morning tour to explore the life of the people of the Mekong River

Cai Be Floating Market

Day 1: Cai Be to Tra On – Dive into the Heart of the Mekong

12:00 PM: Arrive and board the Le Cochin Chine Boat, Mekong Emotion at Caju island. Reception to a refreshingly local drink in the cozy comfort of your cabin Up the Cho Lach, Tra On to Can Tho

Afternoon: Deboard the river’s tide and enjoy a beautiful hillside walk, or spend time pedaling around on a bike through the country paths. You will find yourself in abundant tropical fruit orchards and have a hidden view of its daily routine. A day spent on the Mekong Delta – an opportunity to embed with the local community, and learn about rural life that flows along the waterways.

Evening: Returning to the ship, the sun is setting over the Mekong – a feast for the eyes. Enjoy a drink in a tranquil riverine setting. Enjoy a sumptuous dinner on board followed by an overnight stay in Tra On.

Day 2: Tra On to Can Tho – Witness the Buzz of the Floating Markets

Early Morning: Wake up to the hustle and bustle of traders in the floating market around Tra On. Have breakfast on board as we cruise to Can Tho, the heart of the Mekong Delta (the “Rice bowl" of Vietnam).

Morning: This morning you arrive in Can Tho and transfer to a smaller boat to explore the Cai Rang floating market, one of the most lively and bustling markets in the region. And here, hundreds of boats trade fresh produce and wares from the immediate vicinity. A delightful sensory overload of colors, sounds and smells — a treat for the senses!

Late Morning:  Cruise through tranquil creeks fringed by palms This leisurely cruise allows you more glimpses of local dwellings and lush orchards; an insight into the River bank life.

After our trip ends, you will return to your car for the road back to Ho Chi Minh City or continue to explore more amazing places. Departing with a heart full of memories and a greater appreciation for the local life and cultural wealth of the Mekong Delta.

Tour Option 2: 3-Day Mekong Delta Deep Dive

Day 1: From Ho Chi Minh City to My Tho to Can Tho

People living along the river - morning tour to explore the life of the people of the Mekong River

People living along the river

8:00 AM: After an early breakfast, leave your hotel in Ho Chi Minh City. While we travel by minivan or bus to My Tho you can be captivated by the rice fields and rural farming villages of the Mekong Delta with nice scenery. The delta is the perfect transition from the bustling city.

Morning: Disembark in My Tho and take a motorized boat to cruise along the legendary Tien River. Experience the local life at work with Fishing ports, traditional boat-building yards and famous Dragon, Phoenix and Unicorn isles.

Late Morning: Tortoise Islet near to the Vietnam-Laos border This is where we get off for a stroll through the village. For the next sightseeing, you will visit a local fruit garden, taste some fresh tropical fruits and enjoy live Southern Vietnamese Folk Music. However, studying here resembles a cultural immersion that simply can not be stated in words.

Midday: Meet local artisans for a cooking demonstration set in the necessary surroundings of an orchard garden and prepare one of those delicious local treats from home.

Afternoon: The journey remains enjoyable as we enter the Ba Dinh River into Ben Tre province – the land of coconuts. Tourists will see coconut candy production and also have an opportunity to be rowed in a small boat amidst tropical trees lining the canal.

Evening: Relax and energize yourself with an evening bike ride around the island. After that, we will make our way down to Can Tho City for you to check into your hotel and enjoy a good rest.

Day 2: Can Tho Floating Market and Local Insights

Early Morning: Get up while it’s cool and the sun is low for a boat cruise on the Can Tho River. The cruise is during the morning time to witness local life on the river and beautiful riverside scenery.

Morning: Market plunge at Can Tho floating market Observe vendors hawking their wares off the sides of their boats—a colorful slice of local trade. You’ll also watch rice noodles being made and visit a local fruit orchard here.

Midday: Come back to the boat station and window shop. Lunch on your own can be at the hotel or a local restaurant.

Afternoon: Choose to go kayaking or cycling through the village for more localized connections with the environment and community. This is an incredible way to immerse in the heart of the Delta and amongst its friendly people.

Evening: Dinner at Bamboo Eco Village (subject to availability) and spend another evening in a Can Tho hotel.

Day 3: Can Tho to Rach Gia or Return to Ho Chi Minh City

Bamboo Eco Village

Bamboo Eco Village

Morning: Soon after breakfast, you either prepare for your excursion to Rach Gia or return to Ho Chi Minh City. If traveling to Rach Gia, your bus will stop at 1:00 PM for the ferry.

At the end of our tour, you will have a better sense of the various colors to add to that cultural quilt which is the Mekong Delta. This longer itinerary not only highlights the natural beauty and economic strength of the area but helps to provide a better perspective on how its cultural landscape developed.

IMPRESS TRAVEL – Professional Mekong Tours Provider

Do you have what it takes to join the adventure of a lifetime? Let IMPRESS TRAVEL inspire you on morning tour to explore the life of the people of the Mekong River. Mekong Tours: We are your experts in Mekong, committed to offering you the most outstanding experiences of the lives, landscapes and cultural heritage of the Mekong region.

Whether a quick day trip for some winter fun or a longer overnight exploration, our tours are chock-full of excitement and designed to connect you with this amazing area. Be prepared to explore with the well-trained guides as well as easy riding in our comfortable and modern transport, It’s going to be fantastic!

Ready to embark on this incredible journey? Contact us now!

Hanoi Head Office:

  • 125 Hoang Ngan, Hanoi
  • Tel: (+84) 912 379 189
  • Email: hanoi@impresstravel.com

Saigon Office:


In short, Impress Travel is planned to take you closer to the Mekong Delta full of life and enthusiasm. Embark on a colorful adventure that offers an exquisite insight into the diverse landscapes, ancient cultures, and genuine local lifestyles exclusive to the morning tour to explore the life of the people of the Mekong River. Are you game for the best adventure? Get in touch with us today and we can be ready to explore the mysteries of the Mekong Delta together! One booking away from adventure — come stay and make memories to last a lifetime! Don’t forget to regularly follow our Fanpage for more interesting information about traveling Mekong to and to book Mekong Tours at the best prices.

Mekong Tours 2 days 1 night with IMPRESS TRAVEL

Mekong Boat Trip
Mekong Boat Trip
Mekong Cycling Around
Mekong Cycling Around
Mekong Floating Market Enjoy Pine Apple
Mekong Floating Market Enjoy Pine Apple
Mekong Learning The Food
Mekong Learning The Food
Mekong Pier Boat
Mekong Pier Boat
Mekong River Delta Learn To Pedal
Mekong River Delta Learn To Pedal
Mekong River BD
Mekong River BD
Mekong Floating Market
Mekong Floating Market
Mekong Boat Trip
Mekong Cycling Around
Mekong Floating Market Enjoy Pine Apple
Mekong Learning The Food
Mekong Pier Boat
Mekong River Delta Learn To Pedal
Mekong River BD
Mekong Floating Market

The Mekong River, the ‘Mother of Waters’, is the heart and soul of mainland South-East Asia. Millions of people depend on its waters. It’s a way of life, a home for the spirits, the defining element in the everlasting battle for survival, and the foundation and boundaries of cultures and kingdoms across eons. The river speaks of the past and the future, of the eternally recurring cycles of nature, of the people living upstream and downstream, of survival, beauty and danger.

Foreigners can’t appreciate the role of the river in the lives of those who live in the Mekong basin. It influences every aspect of their daily existence, shaping not only the land, but also the people themselves.

The Mekong Basin extends over 795,000km2. More than 70 million people, 55 million of which inhabit the watershed area lying within Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam, depend on the river and its tributaries for food, water and transport. At 4,350km, the Mekong is the longest river in Southeast Asia and the 12th longest in the world.

The river runs from its source deep in China’s Tsinghai Province through the eastern part of Tibet. From Yunnan province, it becomes the border between Myanmar and Laos, and between Laos and Thailand. From there it surges across Cambodia to Phnom Penh, where the Bassac River branches off. The two rivers continue to divide into nine outlets, the Cuu Long (Nine Dragons) of Vietnam’s Mekong Delta, and finally discharge into the East Sea. The river is navigable from the delta to Southern Laos, where massive waterfalls near the Cambodian border prevent boats from travelling further.

About nine-tenths of the people in the Lower Mekong Basin are engaged in agriculture, mostly rice production on a massive scale, for which irrigation from the Mekong River is essential. A substantial proportion is exported, thus providing the staple diet of a far greater number than just those living in the area.

The Mekong River is also very rich in fish, the single most important source of animal protein in the diet of people living in the Lower Mekong Basin.

Tours Itinerary

Day 01


  • Impress Travel's Mekong Tours Team will pick you up at the hotel, then leaving Ho Chi Minh City at 8.00 AM
  • We need 2 hour driving to Cai Be, We emerge the beautiful scenery of the countryside in the Mekong river delta of Vietnam.
    Visit Cai Be floating market by Sampan that is the well-known floating market in Mekong delta ( Note: the market today is not as busy as in past times)
  • To enjoy the traditional music & performance show – Dai Ca Tai Tu that was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of the world, we enjoy the Mekong’s fresh fruits while watching the show.
  • Ride a rowing boat via the water coconut canals.
  • Do a biking tour through the rural villages to Mr. Sau Ca Family’s orchard
  • Enjoy local lunch with Mr. Sau Ca family
    Relax before getting on a Sampan to Vinh Long the car/ van will pick you up to drive to Can Tho city ( One hour driving to Can Tho)
  • Arrival in Can Tho then checks in the hotel, free time to explore Can Tho city at night.
  • The tour guide will recommend you the best place for dinner in Can Tho city.

What is included: Transfer, tour guide, hotel in Can Tho, lunch, entrance fee(s), boat trip in Cai Be

Day 02

Cai Rang floating market – Khmer Pagoda – Lunch – Ho Chi Minh City (B,L)

  • Good morning Mekong Delta with quiet and fresh air,
  • Enjoy buffet breakfast at hotel and morning tea break before leaving by Sampan to visit Cai Rang Floating market.
  • Ride a bicycle through the countryside to Khmer Pagoda & local farms.
  • Have a lunch and tea break
  • Mekong Tours – Impress Travel Team will bring you back to Ho Chi Minh City (3.5-hour driving)

What is included: Transfer, tour guide, hotel breakfast, lunch, entrance fee(s), boat trip in Can Tho

What's included in this trip:

  • Accommodation based on Twin/Double sharing room, ( notice: a single room is surcharged following single supplement policy/ all room night including daily hotel breakfast.
  • All the meals as mentioned in the detailed itinerary
  • Entrance Fee to visit attractive places are mentioned as itinerary
  • Private Car/Van/Bus with air-conditioned and good experienced driver.
  • Boat trip in My Tho, Cai Be
  • Experienced English speaking tour guides as specified ( French-speaking guide/ Chinese speaking guide are available on request )
  • Complimentary drink water and Tissue on Van/Bus/Van as mentioned on itinerary

  • What's excluded in this trip:

  • International Ticket Fare with insurance surcharge and Fuel surcharge
  • Arport tax.
  • Visa Fees & Travels insurance
  • Porter Charges & Camera Fees.
  • Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner) do not mentioned as in this itinerary
  • Tipping for Tour guides, Bus driver, Crew
  • Other personal expenses such as beverages, telephone calls, laundry services, Minibar, etc….
  • Other services are not specifically mentioned in the tour Itinerary and the above Inclusion

Hotels in Can Tho
Star Hotel Room Type
3-Star hotel in Can Tho Hau Giang Hotel Superior
4-Star hotel in Can Tho Muong Thanh Hotel Superior
5-Star hotel in Can Tho Victoria Hotel Superior

Mekong Delta Travel Map


You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress



    an amazing itinerary to explore

    Mekong Delta

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