How the weather in Mai Chau Hoa Binh, when is the best time to visit Mai Chau, to know by report the weather report from January to December.
Weather in January.
January, the same as December, in Mai Châu, Vietnam, is an agreeable winter month, with average temperature varying between 20°C (68°F) and 13°C (55.4°F). The coldest month is January, with an average high-temperature of 20°C (68°F) and an average low-temperature of 13°C (55.4°F). Weather in January »
Weather in February.
February, the last month of the winter, in Mai Châu, is also an agreeable month, with average temperature varying between 14°C (57.2°F) and 21°C (69.8°F). In February, the average high-temperature is almost the same as in January – a still agreeable 21°C (69.8°F). Weather in February »
Weather in March.
March, the first month of the spring, in Mai Châu, is a moderately hot month, with an average temperature ranging between max 24°C (75.2°F) and min 17°C (62.6°F). In March, the average high-temperature marginally rises, from an agreeable 21°C (69.8°F) in February, to a moderately hot 24°C (75.2°F). Weather in March »
Weather in April.
April, the same as March, is a moderately hot spring month in Mai Châu, Vietnam, with an average temperature ranging between min 20°C (68°F) and max 28°C (82.4°F). In April, the average high-temperature slightly increases, from a warm 24°C (75.2°F) in March, to a still moderately hot 28°C (82.4°F). Weather in April »
Weather in May.
May, the last month of the spring, in Mai Châu, is a hot month, with average temperature varying between 23°C (73.4°F) and 31°C (87.8°F). The warmest months are May through July, with an average high-temperature of 31°C (87.8°F). In May, in Mai Châu, the rain falls for 16 days. Weather in May »
Weather in June.
The first month of the summer, June, is still a tropical month in Mai Châu, Vietnam, with temperature in the range of an average low of 24°C (75.2°F) and an average high of 31°C (87.8°F). The warmest months are May through July, with an average high-temperature of 31°C (87.8°F). In Mai Châu, in June, it is raining for 18 days, with typically 282mm (11.1") of accumulated precipitation. Weather in June »
Weather in July.
July, like June, is another hot summer month in Mai Châu, Vietnam, with average temperature varying between 31°C (87.8°F) and 24°C (75.2°F). The warmest months are May through July, with an average high-temperature of 31°C (87.8°F). In Mai Châu, during July, the rain falls for 19 days and regularly aggregates up to 296mm (11.65") of precipitation. Weather in July »
Weather in August.
August, the last month of the summer, in Mai Châu, is also a hot month, with average temperature fluctuating between 30°C (86°F) and 24°C (75.2°F). In August, the average high-temperature is practically the same as in July – a still tropical 30°C (86°F). Weather in August »
Weather in September
September, the first month of the autumn, in Mai Châu, is still a hot month, with average temperature fluctuating between 23°C (73.4°F) and 30°C (86°F). In Mai Châu, the average high-temperature remains equal to in August – a still hot 30°C (86°F).
Weather in October.
October, like September, in Mai Châu, Vietnam, is another warm autumn month, with average temperature fluctuating between 21°C (69.8°F) and 28°C (82.4°F). In October, the average high-temperature is practically the same as in September – a moderately hot 28°C (82.4°F). Weather in October »
Weather in November.
The last month of the autumn, November, is also moderately hot in Mai Châu, Vietnam, with an average temperature ranging between max 25°C (77°F) and min 17°C (62.6°F). In Mai Châu, the average high-temperature in November slightly decreases, from 28°C (82.4°F) in October, to a still-warm 25°C (77°F). Weather in November »
Weather in December.
December, the first month of the winter, in Mai Châu, is still a pleasant month, with average temperature fluctuating between 14°C (57.2°F) and 22°C (71.6°F). In December, the average high-temperature marginally drops, from a moderately hot 25°C (77°F) in November, to an agreeable 22°C (71.6°F). Weather in December »
Tags: Mai Chau Travel, Mai Chau Weather, Mai Chau Tours