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Ha Giang Adventure Tour to Discover the Beauty of Dong Van

Take a tour of what counts as the virgin beauty of Dong Van on the Ha Giang Adventure Tour for the ultimate in Northern Vietnam nature. Exciting journeys into the heart of Ha Giang take one through limestone mountains that are majestic, breathtaking landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage. Our Ha Giang Tours will take you to untouched nature, trek through some amazing valleys, and even connect with the locals like the Hmong and Tay ethnic people. From the adventure of conquering Ma Pi Leng Pass to being leveled into the culture of the locals, this tour will guarantee an unforgettable experience in Ha Giang. Ideally, this is a perfect program of adventure travel in Ha Giang!

Why Choose Ha Giang for an Adventure Tour?

This is the destination, hidden in northern Vietnam, promising to take your breath away in the world of adventure travel. Lying right on the border with China, Ha Giang presents a perfect blend of dramatic landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and thrilling exploration opportunities that join tourists and adventure enthusiasts from every corner of the world. Enjoy an unforgettable trip with the Ha Giang Adventure Tour, where you will blend natural beauty with cultural immersion to your fullest saturation.

Geographical Importance of Ha Giang

Ha Giang Province is one of the most unspoiled and remote parts of this country; it is located in the far north of Vietnam. The isolation has contributed much to the preservation of its natural beauty and cultural authenticity for real adventure seekers. This rugged province offers dream size with towering limestone peaks and deep valleys, allowing one to opt for outdoor activities such as trekking, motorbiking, or rock climbing. Its remoteness also means fewer tourists, so you can experience the area in its most unspoiled glory: the northern highlands of Vietnam.

Ha Giang is a perfect getaway spot for adventurers into nature. From the serpentine roads chained to cliffs, it offers panoramic views down below into vast mountain ranges. This can be considered a paradise for those who love to push themselves further and explore unbeaten paths. The Ha Giang Adventure Tour takes you through these rugged landscapes, offering up-close experiences with Vietnam’s most dramatic scenery.

The Scenic Appeal of Ha Giang

Ha Giang charms with breathtaking landscapes, dominated by towering mountains, rice fields, and winding rivers. The so-called Dong Van Karst Plateau is its crown jewel, with its unique karst formations stretching right across the horizon and thus forming a surreal landscape that does feel like it’s from outside this world. Scenic views from the passes are simply spectacular. Ma Pi Leng often gets colloquially referred to as one of the most beautiful roads in Vietnam. It would be impossible for any adventurer to describe the feeling that they get from standing right at the edge of this pass, with the bottomless valleys gouged deep by the Nho Que River.

Dong Van Karst Plateau in Ha Giang Adventure Tour

Dong Van Karst Plateau

But it does not stop at mountains and rivers as the beauty of Ha Giang has much more to offer. Winding roads slice across the province, a motorbike rider’s dream-one that promises to offer a thrill from negotiating every sharp bend, and a reward in the form of breathtaking views at each turn. Whether one is trekking along the green fields or riding down misty mountain roads, the land of Ha Giang promises to assault all senses at every step.

Cultural Immersion in Ha Giang

Besides the natural beauty, immersing oneself in these rich cultures of ethnic minorities in Vietnam is one of the most enriching things on the Ha Giang Adventure Tour. Ha Giang has a population of many ethnic groups, including H’mong, Dao, Tay, Giay hinterland, and so on, each having their traditions, customs, and way of life. Visiting villages that dot the mountains, the traveler gets to stop and interact with the people who live here ordinarily, read about their daily lives, and taste the real meaning of warm hospitality.

Just walking through the little H’mong village, the traditional stone houses stand in contrast to the high mountains everywhere. You will see people in their bright traditional dress, hand-weaving, and going about their daily chores. Markets will be alive with ethnic minorities from different regions coming there to trade goods, share stories, and celebrate their rich cultures. This is actually what makes Ha Giang so special: it’s not just a trip into nature, but also one through times and traditions.

The UNESCO-Recognized Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark

No round of the Ha Giang Adventure Tour could ever be complete without a visit to the Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark recognized by UNESCO as one of the most remarkable geological landscapes in Southeast Asia. This geopark, covering four districts in Ha Giang, boasts different beautiful karst landforms, deep canyons, and several fossils dating some hundreds of millions of years. The Dong Van Karst Plateau is incredibly representative of the heritage in the process of creating the earth’s geology and a backdrop for adventure.

More than its geological significance, the geopark is also a living cultural landscape, where ethnic minority communities learned to put up with the harsh environment of the region and develop unusual manners of life that have grown over many centuries. The interrelationship between nature and human culture in Dong Van makes the UNESCO Geopark worth visiting for any kind of tourist who is looking for a mix of adventure and learning in his journey.

2-Day, 1-Night Ha Giang Adventure Tour to Discover the Pristine Beauty of Dong Van

Day 1: Hanoi – Ha Giang – Quan Ba – Yen Minh

06:00 – 06:30: The trip will depart earlier. Please meet our guide in front of the Hanoi Opera House and then embark on an air-conditioned bus that will take you north to Ha Giang. Prepare for a stunning drive as this four-hour-length, winding road gradually leaves the hustle of Hanoi, deep into the serene countryside of Vietnam.

09:00: Stop for a short break at Ngã 3 Kim Anh or another rest stop on the way to stretch your legs, have breakfast, or enjoy a refreshing cup of Vietnamese coffee.

11:30: Lunch at a local restaurant in Tan Yen town, Tuyen Quang province; you are strongly recommended to try some northern Vietnamese dishes and afterward keep traveling.

14:00: Stop by the Doi Co Cau Ma Temple, a holy temple situated on the bank of the Lô River. The ancient temple is one of the most sacred temples in the area, having peacefulness suitable for a short visit and to understand the local spiritual practice.

Doi Co Cau Ma Temple in Ha Giang Adventure Tour

Doi Co Cau Ma Temple

15:30: Visit Km0 in Ha Giang city, said to be the starting point of Happiness Road – built by thousands of workers, linking Ha Giang city to the north, famous for its beauty. Take some photos here and take some time at this important historical point before the deeper mountain area.

16:30: Transfer to Quan Ba Heaven Gate: witness the miraculous landscape of Twin Mountains – Quan Ba-Núi Đôi Cô Tiên. Panoramic view from this nature’s magic offers a stunning view of Tam Sơn town and valleys. This is one spot not to be missed for photoshoots. It is a place that looks very visually appealing and reflects many colors of North Vietnam’s rugged terrains.

18:00: Arrive in Yen Minh, a small town nestling in the mountains. After a whole day of excitement, check in back to your hotel for freshening up and get ready for dinner.

19:00: Dinner at the local restaurant, Yen Minh, will be an opportunity to sample various regional dishes. Free time can be utilized by taking a stroll around town or preparing for the next fantastic day. Today’s accommodation is in a Yen Minh hotel.

Day 2: Yen Minh – Lung Cu – Ma Pi Leng – Dong Van

06:00: Have a big breakfast at the hotel because today is adventure day! We go deep into the heart of Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark-UNESCO recognized, naturally framed with towering limestone cliffs, jagged rock formations, and dramatic untouched landscapes. This is simply going to be an adventurer’s day, ready to be conquered for wild beauty in Ha Giang.

07:00: Head to Pho Cao a H’mong traditional village sitting aside the rugged mountain. Hiking through this ancient settlement, you will have great views of stone-walled houses that time stood still for. The adventure does not only mean the different landscapes you must stop by to see but here, you’ll be taken into the daily life of the Hmong people, one of the ethnic minorities that make Ha Giang so rich in culture. Trek the narrow paths within the village amidst villager’ interactions and understanding of their culture and way of life.

Pho Cao in Ha Giang Adventure Tour

Pho Cao

08:30: Then we move to Sung La village, also called the “flower of the plateau". True enough, at every point, there is a surreal view and an aura of stillness. Quite understandably, it is here that The Story of Pao, directed by renowned filmmaker Ngo Quan Phuong, was shot. Right at the autumn season, when caught just right, in soft pink and purple hues of buckwheat flowers all over, what catches your eyes most are the contrasts with hard, rugged mountains. Get ready for these breathtaking views and some epic shots of the action, as you make your way, trekking through this postcard-perfect village.

Sung La village in Ha Giang Adventure Tour

Sung La village

10:30: Now, time to conquer the northernmost point of Vietnam Lung Cu Flag Tower. While going uphill by a staircase to the tower, feel my racing heart not because of the stairs but the thrilling humans at the topmost point in Vietnam. The view from here is something epic. The countryside all around you will offer great panoramic views, and if it is a fine day, then you can even see China from there. Standing under the flag of Vietnam, which is fluttering high above the mountains, is the moment of your triumph as an adventurer.

12:00: After all the action, we have our much-needed lunch in Dong Van. This small but historic town consists of old streets, and architecture that have stories to narrate. We will have a traditional meal at the local restaurant that allows anyone the restoration before embarking on the biggest challenge of the day, Ma Pi Leng Pass.

13:30: Prepare yourself for one of the highlights of your Ha Giang Adventure! With good reason, too, Ma Pi Leng Pass is often regarded as one of the most beautiful and dangerous mountain passes in Vietnam. We’ll make our way along narrow roads that stick to the side of the mountain while the jaw-dropping views of the Nho Que River snake through the deep gorge down below. The cliffs are steep; the roads thrillingly tight, but the payoff is spectacular-a panorama that stretches for miles. This pass forms part of the historic Happiness Road, sanguinally built by local people with blood, sweat, and determination; hence, it is a journey not only through natural beauty but also one of great historical importance.

14:30: Optional – If you’re seeking the ultimate adrenaline high, enjoy an optional boat ride down the Nho Que River. Nothing beats this ride as you will be channeled right through the Tu San Canyonthe deepest canyon of Vietnam. Towering cliffs rise from either side of the river, while the emerald waters reflect the sheer rock walls to create a surreal, other-worldly atmosphere. This is highly recommended for those who are an adventurer at heart. The contrast of the serene river ride to the towering cliffs above offers an unforgettable adventure one should not miss.

15:30: Still shaken by the massive emotions resulting from the excitement of Ma Pi Leng Pass and the fabulous boat trip across it, now head back towards Ha Giang City. This drive back allows for some time of chilling out but remember to snatch those last views of the dramatic landscapes conquered on this tour: Ha Giang Adventure Tour.

18:30: Arrive in Ha Giang City for a well-deserved final meal to reflect on the incredible two days of adventure, natural beauty, and cultural experiences that have made this trip truly special. Now share your stories with fellow travelers and enjoy one last taste of the local cuisine before heading back to Hanoi.

21:00: Return to Hanoi for the end of this exciting journey. You will return home full of unforgettable moments, new friends, and a deep impression of the Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark and the wild beauty of Ha Giang.

Key Tips for Your Ha Giang Adventure Tour Experience

Best Time to Visit Ha Giang

Best Time to Visit Ha Giang Timing is everything! From October to April, the best time for your Ha Giang Adventure Tour includes the dry season with cooler weather conditions and easier-to-handle roads. If you are looking at Ha Giang in the most magical time of the year, then one should be there during the buckwheat flower or tam giác mạch season, usually blooming between October and November. It wraps the landscapes in a soft pink and purple hue, hence setting an unforgettable backdrop for your adventure.

If one prefers warmer weather, the best time to visit falls in early spring-March to April. In addition, during this time in spring, plum and peach trees will be in bloom, adding to the landscape’s beauty with soft colors amidst imposing structures.

Essential Packing List for Your Ha Giang Adventure Tour

Pack up well before embarking on a Ha Giang Tour for the different challenges and thrills that you may encounter. Here are some of the things you’ll need:

  • Comfortable, Sturdy Hiking Boots: are made up of lots of rocks and uneven grounds, specially on the Dong Van Karst Plateau and Ma Pi Leng Pass. A pair of good boots will keep you comfortable for long walks and give you the much-needed grip on difficult surfaces.
  • Layers of Clothing: The weather is very unpredictable in Ha Giang, whether it’s cool in the morning and night or warm during the day. Lightweight, breathable layers, which you can add and remove throughout the day to your liking, should be taken along.
  • Waterproof Jacket: Rain showers can catch you off-guard anytime, but especially now, at the end of autumn. A light rain jacket will keep you dry with no extra weight burdening you.
  • Sun Protection: don’t forget sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat. The sun can be hot, especially in the high-altitude parts of Ha Giang.
  • Personal Items: Camera, Power bank, some snacks, personal hygiene products. You wouldn’t want to miss those photo-updated moments of yours in front of the Nho Que River.

Physical Fitness for Adventure Travel in Ha Giang

Ha Giang Adventure Tour is an exciting and physically enthralling tour recommended to tourists with average physical conditioning; certain village hiking, spending hours bumpy up-and-down high altitude, and steep mountain passes can get them exhausted.

I would recommend the tour participants to be in good health condition and prepared to undertake an active tour. Your fitness level can enable you to enjoy the very best of the beauty and excitement, either trekking through lush fields or walking a narrow path along Ma Pi Leng!

Cultural Sensitivity in Ha Giang

Among the most enriching aspects of the Ha Giang Adventure Tour, are the various ethnic minorities inhabiting this region: the H’mông, Dao, and Tay communities. These people are from villages that one would be visiting, and as the golden rule dictates when one is a visitor in someone else’s home, respect for customs and tradition is of prime importance.

  • Dress Modestly: Dress conservatively while trekking through remote villages. Your shoulders should be covered, and too much revealing of your flesh is to be avoided.
  • Ask for Permission Before Taking Photos: Always ask before taking pictures of the people, especially when in the more traditional villages. Some locals may feel uneasy with photography, and showing respect goes a long way in building positive interactions.
  • Be Open and Friendly: Ethnic minorities in Ha Giang are hospitable, so do not be shy. A smile and basic Vietnamese greetings like “xin chào" (hello) will get you some way to getting close to natives.

Safety Precautions for Your Ha Giang Adventure

Safety always comes first in any adventure, let alone mountainous and remote Ha Giang. A few tips to make sure your Ha Giang Adventure Tour is safe and smooth:

  • Experienced Drivers: The roads in Ha Giang can be quite windy, and this is very true around Ma Pi Leng Pass. It’s highly seen that there is an experienced driver present who knows the lay of the land. Riding a motorbike usually means one has experience; don’t forget the helmet.
  • Stay Hydrated: Physically demanding days of adventure calls for plenty of water, especially in cases of hiking or spending extended amounts of time outdoors.
  • Stay on the Path: Even when spectacular scenery on side trails calls to you, hiking and exploration should always be done on well-marked trails for your safety and protection of the environment.
  • Travel Insurance: Never travel without comprehensive insurance that covers adventure activities, especially when you are planning some high-risk activities such as motorbiking down the mountains.

Why Choose Impress Travel for the Ha Giang Adventure Tour?

Welcome to Impress Travel-your professional host for the most thrilling and unforgettable moments of the Ha Giang Adventure Tour. Organizing private tours all over Vietnam for many years, Impress Travel has become a top choice for tourists who wish to have unforgettable tours through the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant cultures of Vietnam. Whether you are traveling solo, as a couple, or with friends, we’ll be at your service to tailor-make an itinerary according to your preference. Here’s how you can ensure that your travel experience in Ha Giang is the best.

At Impress Travel, we believe adventure needs to go hand in glove with sustainable and responsible tourism. We are highly committed to preserving the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Ha Giang while offering you tours to explore these wild, untouched regions of Vietnam. Our approach to low-impact travel has respect for the environment and also for the local communities that we will visit. When you take a Ha Giang Adventure Tour with us, rest assured that your tour supports responsible practices for travel.

We believe that customer satisfaction comes first. Our staff are locals of the area, super enthusiastic about accompanying professionals on trips to make your tour unforgettable, down to every single detail considered and elaborately taken care of. From knowing how to negotiate the rough roads of Ha Giang to giving enriching insight into the lavish history and cultural perspective of the Dong Van Karst Plateau, it is always a pleasure for our guides to share their knowledge and to make your adventure truly outstanding.

Conclusion: Embark on Your Ha Giang Adventure Tour Today!

Are you looking for an ultimate combination of adventure, culture, and nature? Ha Giang Adventure Tour is an event that promises thrilling experiences, stunning landscapes, and authentic cultural encounters. With this being one of the very few tours available, now is the right time to book a spot in this tour event.

For further information or tailor-made holiday, please contact Impress Travel:

  • Phone: (+84) 912 379 189
  • Email: info@impresstravel.com
  • Website: www.impresstravel.com

Let us make your Ha Giang adventure a reality! Book now and explore the untouched Dong Van with us! Don’t forget to regularly follow our Impress Travel for more interesting information about traveling to Ha Giang and to book Ha Giang tours at the best prices.

Ha Giang Valley
Ha Giang Valley
Ha Giang Trekking Tours
Ha Giang Trekking Tours
Ha Giang Ma Pi Leng Pass
Ha Giang Ma Pi Leng Pass
Ha Giang Twin Hills
Ha Giang Twin Hills
Ha Giang
Ha Giang
Ha Giang Imposing Scenery
Ha Giang Imposing Scenery
Sapa Vietnam Travel
Sapa Vietnam Travel
Ha Giang Valley
Ha Giang Trekking Tours
Ha Giang Ma Pi Leng Pass
Ha Giang Twin Hills
Ha Giang
Ha Giang Imposing Scenery
Sapa Vietnam Travel

Tours Itinerary

Day 01

Hanoi – Ha Giang

  • 8:00 AM: Impress Travel Team pick you up and drive to Ha Giang town. On the way you will admire the stunning view of beauty Vietnam country
  • Have lunch in Tuyen Quang
  • Wander to the peaceful villages nearby Ha Giang town
  • Overnight in Ha Giang town

Inclusion: Private transfer, tour guide, breakfast, lunch, dinner, entrance fee, hotel

Day 02

Ha Giang – Quang Ba – Yen Minh – Meo Vac – Dong van

  • Begin a new day with breakfast in the local restaurant
  • You will experience beautiful landscapes, cultures, historical monuments, and famous landmarks. Impress Travel Team will take you through visit the small communities of Quang Ba, Yen Minh and Dong Van, some of the most picturesque villages in the northern tip of Vietnam
  • Having lunch in Yen Minh
  • After lunch visiting Meo Vac town & Ma Phi Leng haven gate
  • Keeping going to Dong Van & Overnight here
Inclusion: Private transfer, tour guide, breakfast, lunch, dinner, entrance fee, hotel.

Day 03

Dong Van – Yen Minh – Ha Giang

  • Have breakfast at the local restaurant.
  • Visiting ancient hill-tribe towns, take part in the Xa Phin market, Meo Kingdom Palace
  • Next, we will visit the ancient town in Pho Cao. Stopover in Sung La where is home of white H’ mong to experience the lifestyle and customs of the ethnic minority.
    Continue keeping going a day by visiting Lung Cu Flag tower, where is the northern pole of Vietnam
  • Having lunch in Yen Minh and return to Ha Giang Town
  • Return to Ha Giang & overnight in Tay house on stilt

Inclusion: Private transfer, tour guide, breakfast, lunch, dinner, entrance fee, homestay

Day 04

Ha Giang – Hanoi

  • In the morning, you’ll return to Hanoi on a route that takes you through Pa The in Quang Binh district
  • Having lunch on the way back to Hanoi
  • Return Hanoi at 5 PM

Inclusion: Private transfer, tour guide, breakfast, lunch, entrance fee

What’s included in this trip:

  • Full transportation by private car  as tour program indicated.
  • Meals as indicated in the itinerary.
  • Trekking 
  • English- speaking guide
  • Entrance fees.
  • Twin-share accommodation with daily breakfast; ( AC room).

What’s excluded in this trip:

  • Personal insurance
  • Expenditure of a personal nature, tips, such as drinks, souvenirs, laundry, emergency transfers & etc.
Hotels in Ha Giang Homestays in Ha Giang


You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress



    Ha Giang Tours

    Ha Giang land is located in the far North of Vietnam, Ha Giang is well-known for Dong Van stone plateau which is recognized as one of 77 geological parks in the world and second in the ASEAN region only to Langkawi Geological Park in Malaysia. Here the land is formed by green narrow valleys alternating with the rocky mountain range of the north. This land is famous alongside others such as Yen Minh, Quang Ba, and Meo Vac as a homeland for ethnic minority people/ Here mostly Hmong people live. A special treasure of this trip is visiting the great flag tower and its astonishing view and scene. Supposed to be the northernmost spot of Vietnam, located very close to the border of Vietnam and China. For a great trip to discover Ha Giang Land, you should book with Impress Travel for our trusted service and for making more savings!. Email: hagiangtours@impresstravel.com & call to Mr. Alex Impress Travel Manager at his cell phone (+84) 9123 79 189