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Exploration of the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park

Go on this unique journey through unspoiled nature on Phu Quoc Island. The island is renowned for its scenic beaches, but the real adventure starts within the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park. This UNESCO Biosphere Reserve is a sanctuary of unparalleled biodiversity and guarantees a one-of-a-kind journey far from ordinary. Our Phu Quoc Tours promise a cruising journey that brings you into the wild heart of this island: trekking, survival, and beauty. Dive through the thick forests of the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park with memories that will be treasured.

Highlights of the Exploration Tour the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park

Trekking Through Diverse Terrains

Ecosystem of the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park


Lace-up those boots for our first adventure: a 3.7km Jungle trek through some of the best views on Phu Quoc Island! You may be quite surprised by the variety of terrains there are to be had within the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park. Features from the leafy, grassy pathways winding through the age-old trees, to the paths just following the course of crystal clear streams, each step in this journey feels fresh and new.

Imagine walking between streams that glitter in the sunlight as you cross over moss-ensconced rocks speaking volumes of stories of centuries past. Above us, some standing for hundreds of years each, the trees tower and knit a canopy that shelters and awes us. Passing through the dense tracts of these natural phenomena is what connects the heart and soul of the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park. Endless beauty meets untamed nature in the trekking experience deep within the island.

Immersion in the Ecosystem

As we continue, deeply within the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park, you shall be fully within an alive, breathing ecosystem as rich as it is fascinating. Here, the park boasts 329 different plant species, thereby adding some vibrancy to the tapestry of flourishing life. And with the towering heights of the hardwoods down to the most delicate fern, the variety would indeed be nothing short of spectacular.

But it’s not just the plants that will catch your eye. Phu Quoc Island Travel is famous for its diverse wildlife, and amid our trek, we’ll get to witness some of the rarest animals, birds, and insects on the island. Look out for the brilliant colors of tropical birds and the quick moves of forest insects; perhaps we might not miss some of the park’s shy inhabitants. This is the time to fully touch life in the real world and experience the incredible biodiversity that makes the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park dense forest so special.

Survival Skills Workshop

It’s time to get your adventurer smack on with our Survival Skills Workshop! In this case, walking in the park is not the norm; Travel Phu Quoc Island style involves learning how to get by in the woods. Professional guides will teach you dynamic skills within a dense forest, from navigation to water purification allowing you to make any water source safe to drink.

You will also understand how to forage by gathering food in the wild safely, a very important skill for anyone who loves to be outdoors. Imagine learning how to forage things you can eat or learning how to decide which indicator you must follow to take you where you will find fresh water or food sources. Of course, along the way, we’ll show you a lot of examples for easy setup of a hammock in the woods as a great place to recover after a day of exploration. These empowering skills are not only practical; they give you the confidence to explore and enjoy the wild with safety and reassurance.

Cultural and Natural Landmarks for tour a Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park

As we trek the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park, we will also visit some of the most outstanding cultural and natural features of the area. Among the most notable are the ancient rock formations, great massive stones preserved for millennia, about which is much mystery and legend. The rocks, held in very distinct shapes and sizes, offer quality spots for photography and thoughtful escapes.

Here, too, we shall witness woods turned to stone, a natural marvel that opens a window of a distant past, of a time when these trees were very much alive and reaching for the sun. And how can we forget the streams? Well, each of them that we cross can either be small or large but is quite a scenic delight with waters so clear that you can see the pebbles under it. These landmarks not only add to the beauty of the trek but deepen your cause with the history and inheritance of nature related to Phu Quoc.

During the entire trip, stunning landscapes present a chance for a good photo anywhere: forests with trees that reach high into the sky, anciently weathered rocks, and untouched, calm streams. The Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park provides a variety of opportunities for photography that can only be carried out once a life but will provide you with memories and photos that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Step-by-Step Itinerary for Exploring the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park

08:00 AM: Pickup from Phu Quoc International Airport

You will be warmly welcomed at Phu Quoc International Airport to start your excitement with our friendly team. Boarding our comfortable vehicle, you will feel the thrill that is set for the day. From that moment, your journey inside the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park begins. Right from the beginning, Phu Quoc Island Travel was taking on a whole new meaning; it’s not just a trip it’s an experience!

08:30 AM: Arrival at the Starting Point, Equipment Check

We will get to the point from where our trek is going to start; it’s right on the edge of a thick forest. That is when we take a few moments to go through our equipment to ensure that everyone is fully geared up. From hiking boots to water bottles, cameras whatever one may need, we make sure one’s ready for this adventure. Our guides will also take the opportunity to give the guests a short briefing on the safety rules and answer last-minute questions. Remember that you are not just doing regular walking. You will dive into the heart of the Dense Forest in the Phu Quoc National Park!

09:00 AM: Begin Trek, Brief Warm-Up, Entry into the Dense Forest

 Dense Forest of the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park

Dense Forest

Off we go! After a very short warm-up just to awaken the muscles, we venture into the woods. Crisp air and atmosphere abuzz with all kinds of sounds as the world awakes. Entering the Dense Forest in the Phu Quoc National Park, you immediately get the feeling there is a thick layer above you, a thriving mass of greenery around you, and a sense of entering a world of ancient times. How much better could one want to kick off a day full of discovery?

09:15 AM: Visit the Ancient Rock Harbor, Participate in “Opening the Forest Door” Challenge

The first destination we trip to is the mysterious ancient rock harbor, holding a huge history and natural beauty. These huge rocks have been here for thousands of years, silent witnesses observing the passage of life itself. But today, they are far more than just lifeless heaps of mineral they play host to an interests challenging act we like to refer to as “Opening the Doors to the Forest." This activity is very interactive and at the same time fun, action-oriented, and binding to the course of the environment as you, the traveler and the collaborators unlock the secrets in this special ecosystem of the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park. Ready for the challenge?

10:00 AM: Feed and Interact with Stream Fish, Experience a Fish Massage

After the adventure in this rock harbor, we walk down to one of the calm streams running within the forest. Here, you get a great chance to feed the fish in the water. These little creatures are friendly and active, which makes the experience very lively and interesting. And for those who venture to dip their feet into the waters, a special treat awaits them a fish massage! These fish give you thousands of tiny nibbles, very gently massaging your feet; both ticklish and relaxing. It’s a unique experience you can’t miss while in the heart of the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park.

10:30 AM: Trek Through Streams, Observe Petrified Mosquito, Explore Stone Park Hill

Further along our hike, we’ll pass over several streams, each possessing its picture-postcard beauty. But keep your eyes open along the way, we’ll come across the remarkable petrified mosquito, a curious natural artifact that adds a touch of mystery to our journey. Our path then leads us to Stone Park Hill, with over 99 moss-covered rocks waiting. It is these stones, of unique shapes and varied sizes, that make one feel in a natural sculpture park. This is just the right spot for a breather, to turn the surroundings into making some clicks of lifetime memories.

calm streams

calm streams

11:00 AM: Survival Skills Workshop in the Heart of the Forest

Now learn some things that every adventurer should be able to do. Our guides are well highly trained specialists in Phu Quoc Island Travel. They will take you to the deeper part of the forest and do a Survival Skills Workshop for you. They will teach you how to re-orientate with the help of nature’s signs, how to purify water from the wild, and even how to gather food. These are invaluable skills, but they also bestow upon you the confidence and the wherewithal to handle any situation you might face in the bush. Meanwhile, you’ve got practice for building a hammock, which will prove helpful at night.

12:00 PM: Guided Walk Through Diverse Plant Species, Educational Segment

As soon as we had learned survival skills, we were taken on a trek into the forest on a guided study of the diversity encompassed in the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park. The study involved 329 different plant species, peculiar to this area. Background information abounds with our guides; each step of the way is a revelation of the interesting uses of the many different plants and how they interrelate with general environment processes. It’s going to be a dive into the botanical world of Phu Quoc Island Travel, and you are going to go back learning to appreciate all its natural wonders.

01:00 PM: Hammock Setup, Rest at the Gathering Point

Now that this morning has been eventful, it is time to have some rest and recuperate. You’ll be finding a peaceful spot in the forest where you can string your hammock using skills you’ve mastered and take well-deserved rest. As you sway gently in the breeze, you’ll feel completely at peace, surrounded by the sounds and scents of the forest. This is the perfect moment to reflect on the incredible experiences of the day so far.

01:30 PM: Cool Off with a Stream Bath, Optional GoPro Underwater Photography

Fun? Let’s get ready to rumble. We will be visiting a local stream where you can freshen up by taking a nice dip in the crystal clear, cool waters. For those of you with a GoPro, this is an incredible opportunity to dive underwater to capture the amazing underwater world of the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park and take those memories home. Whether it has you actually swimming around or just keeping cool, it’s a refreshing way to conquer the heat and add a splash of fun to your day.

02:30 PM: Enjoy a Traditional Phu Quoc Lunch with Local Delicacies

While I’m guessing by now you’ve probably worked up quite an appetite, there’s no better way to quench it than through a traditional Phu Quoc lunch. There are variations on this theme, but the selected dishes will round them off nicely for you with a real taste of the island’s culinary heritage. From the delicious combination of spicy Phu Quoc pepper to the freshly locally caught seafood, the dishes served make eloquent lauding of the rich culture and natural bounty of the Phu Quoc Island Travel.

03:30 PM: Clean Up, Check Equipment, Start the Return Journey

On our way out, we take the time to pick up around our area and leave nothing behind. We try to leave the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park in exactly as good a condition as we found it this morning. Let’s take one more opportunity to recheck all personal equipment before descending back to the starting point. This is another great opportunity to exchange stories snaps and reminiscences of some of today’s highlights.

04:00 PM: Transportation Back to the Starting Point

Our vehicle will be around to take us back to the starting point. You can have a rest during the drive to remember the breathtaking sceneries and memorable activities done during the day. Phu Quoc Island Travel has taken you through the adventure and delights of nature, only for you to leave natural wonders and return to the man-made comforts a changed person, of course.

04:30 PM: Tour Ends with Farewells

This is where we would have reached the starting point and would eventually take your leave. Note, however: that this is not the end of your tour; in fact, it serves as the beginning of a wider engagement that one can pursue inside the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park and with the natural world surrounding all of us. We hope that you’ll leave satisfied with your experience, make friends for life, and hopefully want to come back to do more of what Phu Quoc Island Travel has to offer. Until then, have a merry journey!

Phu Quoc Lunch

Phu Quoc Lunch

Essential Tips for Participating in the Tour the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park

Right from square one, being fully equipped is primordial to a safe and enjoyable trek through the jungle of adventure at the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park. Writ large, whether you are an experienced trekker or a first-time explorer, let the following key tips help you make your journey what it should be: the best adventure.

What to Bring for tour a Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park

Proper gear and supplies can make the difference as you pass through the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park. For clothing, some ultralight materials that can relieve the sweat of the island’s tropical weather will be handy. Include long-sleeved shirts and trousers to protect yourself from insects and from making road scrapes on your legs, caused by the forest’s bramble bushes. Footwear should be a sturdy pair of trekking shoes. Besides, the terrain might be tricky, and it is generally slippery, so the shoes should fairly grip your legs and offer you ankle support to prevent falling and hurting yourself. Other useful things you should bring along with your camera include insect repellent, sun cream, lots of water to stay well-hydrated, and some munchies.

Health and Safety Precautions for tour a Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park

Your safety is most important during your Phu Quoc Island Travel. Keep hydrated because the tropical heat needs this. The tropical heat can catch you unawares and cause dehydration, perhaps while you are concentrating on the alluring views of the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park. Take enough water with you and keep refreshed by stopping for a few sips after some distance. Do make sure to follow the instructions of your guide and walk carefully, in the jungle trails might be irregular and have roots, rocks, and streams to go through. Besides, one may consider possessing primary knowledge in first aid and carry with them a small personal kit containing band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and medications that may be required on a trip.

Weather Considerations for tour a Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park

The weather on Phu Quoc Island is unpredictable, and being surprised at any given moment can mean continuing to enjoy the trek through the rainforest. Located in the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park, during the driest period, the weather is expected to range from about November to April, with cooler temperatures during the year and the least amount of rain, meaning also the least muddy paths. The dry sky and vim of the scenes in the forest make December the perfect moment to visit Phu Quoc Island. Anyway, even in this dry season, a sudden rain can fall. Bring a light waterproof jacket or poncho; in case of rapid mutations of the weather, hikers will adjust the path to ensure your safety. All of this flexibility is part of the adventure in the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park.


Ah, as we wind up our adventure deep in the Dense Forest in Phu Quoc National Park, it’s beginning to dawn on us that it was a mission nay, an excursion like no other a chance of a lifetime. From thrilling treks to living a close encounter with nature, indeed, this journey caters to those who would want to come closer to the great wild beauty of Phu Quoc Island. Ready to make these moments last? Book your tour today from the source itself and find the heart of Phu Quoc Island Travel! For booking or more amazing packages, visit our book page or contact us, and we’ll make your next trip awesome! Don’t forget to regularly follow our Impress Travel for more interesting information about traveling Phu Quoc to and to book Phu Quoc Tours at the best prices.

Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort food in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort food in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort food in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island

Tours Itinerary

Day: 01


Impress Travel Team will pick you up at the hotel to TAN SON NHAT airport, flying to PHU QUOC Island. Arrive at Phu Quoc Island, the car pick you up at the airport transfer you to your Resort, check in. The car takes you around Ham Linh Fishing Village, you then enjoy local fresh seafood: crab, snail, lobster … (seafood fee is paid by your account) and visit SUOI TRANH to swim in the stream, and then continue to go sightseeing SUNG HUNG Ancient Pagoda consecration. Have dinner. At night, you can either take a swim in the sea, take a rest, or register to go squid-fishing (this tour fee is on your account).

Day: 2


After breakfast at Resort, the car takes you around Pearl Shop of Japanese/ Australia, and then swim in Bai Sau Beach, lunch, relax on the local hammocks. Visit Phu Quoc Prison Cage (or call is Coconut Tree prison) is the largest prison to keep communists more solid in the South with more than 32000 prisoners. Phu Quoc prison was the living evidence for extremely brutal crimes of aggression colonialism and imperialism, while it proved the indomitable spirit and valiant struggle of revolutionaries. The prisoners were suffered awful savage punishments and tortures. Continue to visit An Thoi Fishing Harbor, Dried Seafood Market, Phu Quoc Fish Sauce Manufacture Enterprise, Dinh Cau Temple, come back to Resort and have a rest. You can take a walk at the Night Market nearby after dinner.

Day: 3


Phu Quoc island lies off the southwest coast of Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand and is home to some of the best snorkeling in the country. On this day tour, set sail from Duong Dong on a full-day cruise and visit a pearl farm, swim at the beautiful Sao Beach, and enjoy fishing and snorkeling around the island. Additional Details Magnificent views of Sao Beach and Phu Quoc Multiple stops to swim, snorkel, and fish around Phu Quoc Delicious lunch of Vietnamese cuisine served on-board. 

Day: 4


After breakfast at Resort, go shopping in DONG DUONG market, the car drives you back to the airport for the flight to HCM City. We transfer you to your hotel or fly to the next destination in Vietnam or fly back to your home. Please email us: phuquoc@impresstravel.com if you need any further information.

What’s included in this trip:

  • Accommodation based on Twin/Double sharing room, ( notice: a single room is surcharged following single supplement policy/ all room night including daily hotel breakfast.
  • All the meals as mentioned in the detailed itinerary
  • Domestic flight tickets from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc Island & return
  • Boat trip in Phu Quoc island
  • Entrance Fee to visit attractive places are mentioned as itinerary
  • Private Car/Van/Bus with air-conditioned and good experienced driver.
  • Experienced English speaking tour guides as specified ( French-speaking guide/ Chinese speaking guide are available on request )
  • Complimentary drink water and Tissue on Van/Bus/Van as mentioned on itinerary

What’s excluded in this trip:

  • Tipping for Tour guides, Bus driver, Crew
  • Other services are not specifically mentioned in the tour Itinerary and the above Inclusion

Resorts in Phu Quoc Island Hotels in Phu Quoc Island


You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress


    Phu Quoc island Discovery

    Phu Quoc island Tours – Impress Vietnam Travel offers private & small group package tours from Ho Chi Minh City. To fly from Saigon city to Phu Quoc island or take a trip from Saigon to discover the Mekong Delta Land then go to Phu Quoc by boat. Phu Quoc island is well-known for very delicious seafood, with a lot of luxurious hotels and resorts to stay in. Travelers will feel relaxed and enjoy the most wonderful sandy beaches in Vietnam. To explore the natural landscapes and historical sites, a boat trip going to explore small islands around Phu Quoc, is of particular interest. To book a tour to visit Phu Quoc island, email:phuquoc@impresstravel.com for a great choice and most saving.