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Hands-On Biology Experience at Vinpearl Safari for School Tours

Vinpearl Safari for School Tours where the magic of biology unravels on Phu Quoc Island. For one thing, students get the chance to get as near to the wildlife as possible and understand the ecosystems. In this way, they can conduct practical biology lessons outside their classroom’s four walls. Through participation in this tour, the students may learn more about biology and appreciate the importance of conservation and concern for the environment. It is a great combination-based tour of both education and adventure. That is why travel to Phu Quoc Island should be included in the must-go list of any school that wants to instill curiosity and a love for nature in students.

Why Choose Vinpearl Safari for School Tours?

Vinpearl Safari

Vinpearl Safari

Vinpearl Safari for School Tours will be an ideal place for a school outing in the form of an educational tour. Located on beautiful Phu Quoc Island, this place is the largest semi-wild zoo in Vietnam, offering a home to more than 3,000 animals of 190 species coming from all parts of the world. The students will get a privileged opportunity to see them as closely as possible since they will come across a setting that is a mock of their natural homes; therefore, the atmosphere will be just perfect for learning relevant skills in biology.

What makes Vinpearl Safari for School Tours special is that the approach is hands-on toward education. Students will take part in interactive lessons on wildlife conservation and ecosystem dynamics, observing rare animals like Bengal tigers and African elephants. Such interactions blend well with their biology curriculum since they are hands-on experiences about the natural world.

Other than being a zoo, the mission of the Safari is conservation, education, and sustainability. It is a place where students can be taught about global conservation and the crucial role that biodiversity plays therein. This tour, coupled with the breathtaking settings of Phu Quoc Island travel, will be a memorable educational experience that will remain in their minds to inspire them for further years.

Detailed Itinerary of the Hands-On Biology Experience

07:00 AM: Our exciting day starts at the hotel with a delicious breakfast in a welcoming atmosphere for students, enriched by a short, information-rich briefing on the day’s adventure. We give an overview of what’s in store during the Vinpearl Safari for School Tours to get them ready to go out and explore nature’s wonders on Phu Quoc Island!

08:00 AM: After having breakfast, we will head towards our bus and move on to Vinpearl Safari to be able to initiate the core of the educational tour. On the way to the safari, the drive is breathtakingly beautiful because of the natural views of the island.

Lunch at safari

Lunch at safari

08:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Upon arrival, we will start the tour in the Open Zoo with a nature walk to see many domesticated herbivorous animals, birds, and reptiles. These include giraffes with their stilt-like legs, striking striped zebras, and several kinds of birds of prey. Students during this session will be exposed to the basic principles of biology: classification of animals, their anatomy, and behaviors. The open zoo displays immersion into its naturalistic habitats, showing these animals in the wild-like environments that are constructed to mimic their homes. It is a foray into deeper biological learning!

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Next, into the very heart of the Safari Park, among the most thrilling parts of the Vinpearl Safari itinerary, students take the Safari Bus Ride to a free-roaming habitat of lions, tigers, and even elephants! Here we delve into discussions on predator-prey relationships, ecosystem dynamics, and conservation strategies. This close encounter with such powerful beasts will give the students an idea of how each of these species plays its role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. Guided discussions will also relate to how many of its endangered species are protected by conservation efforts within Vinpearl Safari.

Safari Bus Ride in Vinpearl Safari for School Tours

Safari Bus Ride

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM: After a suite of interesting and exciting morning learning, now is the time to relax and recharge your energy with a delicious lunch at one of the local restaurants inside Vinpearl Safari. At this time, students will be able to discuss what they learned this morning while enjoying delicious food amidst the flora of Phu Quoc Island Travel.

12:30 PM – 2:30 PM: Right after lunch, the students will get down to work and become Junior Zoo Keepers. It is one hands-on program and one of the most eagerly awaited Vinpearl Safari for School Tours programs whereby participants will take part in feeding the animals, cleaning the animal enclosures, and learning the caring for endangered species. The Junior Zoo Keeper Program takes the students behind the scenes to explore the everyday activities of Zook employees while reinforcing lessons on Animal behavior and Biology, including one of the most important roles zoos play in species conservation. Students will leave with a deeper understanding of the commitment it takes to protect wildlife.

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Next, we will be taken to the Wildlife Show, where students can gaze in wonder at the intelligence and skill of certain animals. These animals have been trained to display their natural behaviors in enriching performances, from birds to mammals. This segment includes fun but also gives students insight into methods of animal training and the important role in the enrichment that keeps the animals engaged, both mentally and physically, in their environments.

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM: Q and A with Zoo Keepers and Biologists: This will be the exciting end to an experience-laden day with the ability for a Q&A session with zoo keepers and biologists. This is a great opportunity for students to ask questions about the animals they see and learn about various career paths in wildlife conservation. Professionals discuss what it is like to work in conservation and share experiences; guidance is also part of the advice they discuss for any budding biologists or any future conservationists who may be in the group.

4:30 PM: We board our coach once again, our hearts filled with excitement, heads кир filled with new knowledge, and of course, the experiences of today. This tour also complements the concepts of biology in students and motivates them to be associated with the cause of conservation of wildlife and sustainability.

Key Educational Takeaways from the Vinpearl Safari Experience

Vinpearl Safari for School Tours

Vinpearl Safari for School Tours

The Vinpearl Safari for School Tours offers good avenues for students to apply their biology lessons from the classroom to the wild. In this case, students observe animals like giraffes and lions in their natural setting and develop an increased appreciation for animal adaptations and how species evolve to tolerate a variety of environmental stresses. It is such hands-on experiences with biology that serve to crystallize concepts about ecosystem dynamics and animal behavior in tangible and memorable ways.

A core part of the tour is the emphasis on biodiversity and wildlife conservation. The Vinpearl Safari has more than 190 species, which include rare ones. It shows that the concept of biodiversity lies basically at the heart of maintaining healthy ecosystems. From this, students learn the threats these species face, like habitat loss and climate change, and understand how conservation efforts are of paramount importance to preserving these endangerments. This allows students to understand the global gravity of biodiversity.

Equally importantly, besides the knowledge of biology, students are elaborately guided on how to undertake environmental stewardship and sustainable living. Evidence through the conservation programs of Safari purports how a form of tourism based on ethics and responsible interaction with wild animals helps in the protection of species that might probably face extinction. Students, therefore, consider how efforts by Vinpearl Safari apply to global conservation, hence giving them practical insight into how sustainability practices safeguard natural settings such as those found here in Phu Quoc Island.

This tour, in the end, points out the human moral obligation towards wildlife. Promoting responsible interaction with animals and their habitats, a student embarks on the tour with an increased awareness of his or her role in protecting the environment. In this regard, the Vinpearl Safari for School Tours not only enhances understanding of biology but encourages future patrons for conservation and environmental protection.

Essential Tips for School Tours at Vinpearl Safari

To prepare for your adventure with  Vinpearl Safari for School Tours, here is a list of essential tips that might help everyone. First, preparation is the key! The teacher can prepare pre-visit class activities such as projects on animals or discussion activities regarding wildlife conservation to warm them up and create eagerness within them. That way, they will come to Vinpearl Safari with some background and will be able to correlate what they have learned in the classroom with the actual animals they are going to see. Also, do not forget the key essentials: notebooks, cameras for capturing these unforgettable moments, sunblock for sunny weather in Phu Quoc, and water bottles to keep them hydrated. Above all, establish some safety guidelines with the students before the tour:: inform them to stay in the group and follow the instructions of the Safari guides.

Students: Dress appropriately according to the day’s activities. Using comfortable walking clothes with comfortable shoes, consider the weather. The weather on Phu Quoc Island may be quite hot, so light and breathable fabrics are highly recommended. Ask of interest, note down some important information, observe, and create curiosity among the students in concern with animals, and their homes. During the observation of the animals, the set rules by the safari have to be followed: keep a considerable distance from the animals, whereby one has to avoid noise completely, and should not feed or touch them unless instructed so by the guide. The rules ensure there is safety for the students, and the animals don’t get harmed.

The learning does not have to stop after the tour! Teachers are encouraged to plan post-tour activities that will truly drive home the learning from Vinpearl Safari for School Tours Students might work on presentations or reports focused on particular species or ecosystems observed on the tour. Another good suggestion could be to integrate their field experiences into current biology lessons, thus building up their knowledge regarding conservation, animal behavior, and ecosystems. This will be an excellent way to incorporate the safari experience into their learning.


Conclusion: A Vinpearl Safari for School Tours is a very good example of learning the biology subject more interactively and practically. The students will learn about wildlife, ecosystems, and conservation amidst the breathtakingly beautiful landscape of Phu Quoc Island. This tour will also help in developing a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship in every student. As for educators, this is the perfect way to make learning both useful and unforgettable. Don’t forget to regularly follow our Impress Travel for more interesting information about traveling Phu Quoc to and to book Phu Quoc Tours at the best prices.

Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort food in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort food in Phu Quoc Island
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Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
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Phu Quoc Island
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Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
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Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
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Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
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Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island

Tours Itinerary

Day: 01


Impress Travel Team will pick you up at the hotel to TAN SON NHAT airport, flying to PHU QUOC Island. Arrive at Phu Quoc Island, the car pick you up at the airport transfer you to your Resort, check in. The car takes you around Ham Linh Fishing Village, you then enjoy local fresh seafood: crab, snail, lobster … (seafood fee is paid by your account) and visit SUOI TRANH to swim in the stream, and then continue to go sightseeing SUNG HUNG Ancient Pagoda consecration. Have dinner. At night, you can either take a swim in the sea, take a rest, or register to go squid-fishing (this tour fee is on your account).

Day: 2


After breakfast at Resort, the car takes you around Pearl Shop of Japanese/ Australia, and then swim in Bai Sau Beach, lunch, relax on the local hammocks. Visit Phu Quoc Prison Cage (or call is Coconut Tree prison) is the largest prison to keep communists more solid in the South with more than 32000 prisoners. Phu Quoc prison was the living evidence for extremely brutal crimes of aggression colonialism and imperialism, while it proved the indomitable spirit and valiant struggle of revolutionaries. The prisoners were suffered awful savage punishments and tortures. Continue to visit An Thoi Fishing Harbor, Dried Seafood Market, Phu Quoc Fish Sauce Manufacture Enterprise, Dinh Cau Temple, come back to Resort and have a rest. You can take a walk at the Night Market nearby after dinner.

Day: 3


Phu Quoc island lies off the southwest coast of Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand and is home to some of the best snorkeling in the country. On this day tour, set sail from Duong Dong on a full-day cruise and visit a pearl farm, swim at the beautiful Sao Beach, and enjoy fishing and snorkeling around the island. Additional Details Magnificent views of Sao Beach and Phu Quoc Multiple stops to swim, snorkel, and fish around Phu Quoc Delicious lunch of Vietnamese cuisine served on-board. 

Day: 4


After breakfast at Resort, go shopping in DONG DUONG market, the car drives you back to the airport for the flight to HCM City. We transfer you to your hotel or fly to the next destination in Vietnam or fly back to your home. Please email us: phuquoc@impresstravel.com if you need any further information.

What’s included in this trip:

  • Accommodation based on Twin/Double sharing room, ( notice: a single room is surcharged following single supplement policy/ all room night including daily hotel breakfast.
  • All the meals as mentioned in the detailed itinerary
  • Domestic flight tickets from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc Island & return
  • Boat trip in Phu Quoc island
  • Entrance Fee to visit attractive places are mentioned as itinerary
  • Private Car/Van/Bus with air-conditioned and good experienced driver.
  • Experienced English speaking tour guides as specified ( French-speaking guide/ Chinese speaking guide are available on request )
  • Complimentary drink water and Tissue on Van/Bus/Van as mentioned on itinerary

What’s excluded in this trip:

  • Tipping for Tour guides, Bus driver, Crew
  • Other services are not specifically mentioned in the tour Itinerary and the above Inclusion

Resorts in Phu Quoc Island Hotels in Phu Quoc Island


You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress


    Phu Quoc island Discovery

    Phu Quoc island Tours – Impress Vietnam Travel offers private & small group package tours from Ho Chi Minh City. To fly from Saigon city to Phu Quoc island or take a trip from Saigon to discover the Mekong Delta Land then go to Phu Quoc by boat. Phu Quoc island is well-known for very delicious seafood, with a lot of luxurious hotels and resorts to stay in. Travelers will feel relaxed and enjoy the most wonderful sandy beaches in Vietnam. To explore the natural landscapes and historical sites, a boat trip going to explore small islands around Phu Quoc, is of particular interest. To book a tour to visit Phu Quoc island, email:phuquoc@impresstravel.com for a great choice and most saving.