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Discover the Unique Nighttime Cuisine at Sapa Night Market

Wrap yourself in the lively spirit of the Sapa Night Market, one of the most thrilling cultural hotspots against the stunning backdrop of Sapa in Northern Vietnam. Sapa is considered the leading destination for vast landscapes to rich ethnic diversity by many travelers. Sapa Night Market perfectly combines these, and from here, visitors can deep dive into the vibrant local culture through the lively stalls, handmade crafts, and delicious highland cuisine. Our Sapa Tours surely take you on an immersive journey into this magical night market, offering an authentic taste of Sapa’s unique charm.

Why Visit the Sapa Night Market?

Cat Cat Village

Cat Cat Village

Sapa’s Cultural Significance

Sapa is not just a town but a cultural treasure trove with the history and traditions of many ethnic minorities of Vietnam. Sapa, being the residence for groups like the H’mong, the Red Dao, Tay, and Giay, was a place where several cultures met and had to coexist together for several centuries. Each one of these ethnic groups has its language, clothes Views, and customs, which truly makes this town a melting pot of traditions.

The Sapa Night Market plays an important role in preserving and showcasing such richness. Passing down the crowded lanes of this market is just not shopping for souvenirs or tasting the local dishes; rather, it is a walk into the living Museum of Heritage. This market translates the highland traditions to life, where locals proudly share their crafts, food, and culture with curious visitors.

Here, the tourists and natives share a magnificent cultural exchange. While exploring the marketplace, one finds H’mong women weaving small, multi-colored fabrics, and Red Dao artisans make complex silver jewelry, whereas Tay families are selling fresh produce and handicrafts. By exposing yourself to the marketplace, you expose yourself to new opportunities to interact directly with these communities regarding their lives and to support their handiwork. This is, in fact, one good way of helping to preserve these ancient traditions, as the money derived from selling handmade products in the Sapa Night Market means direct support to the local economy.

Vibrancy of the Market

Sapa Night Market is far different, for it is so vivid and full of life. When the sun has plunged behind the mountains, the market twinkles with colorfully lighted stalls, traditional music echoes, smells of grilled food fill the air, and locals in traditional costumes drum life into the market. The atmosphere here is a treat to the senses-one that completely submerges visitors into the culture of Sapa.

While walking up the market, one finds many stalls of handwoven textiles, wooden souvenirs, and silver jewelry expressing daily life among the residents of Sapa. This is not just a tourist-oriented market, but belongs to the local community, where locals gather and converse with each other, and welcome their visitors with big smiles-this is how Sapa’s social life pulses.

The cultural rhythm of the town is also displayed with impromptu performances at the Sapa Night Market using instruments such as the khèn and sáo trúc. Sometimes, you get to practice a H’mong dance-a very graceful performance of heritage through movement. Sapa Night Market remains one of the unforgettable cultural experiences as you take each bite of local delicacies, buy each handmade item, or absorb the energy. Ready for an adventure? Let our Sapa Tours guide you!

Sample Itinerary for Sapa Night Market Tour (2 Days, 1 Night)

Sapa Night Market

Sapa Night Market

Welcome to the Sapa Night Market Tour! Get ready for a wonderful journey into the heart of Sapa’s vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and delicious highland cuisine. Here comes the highly recommended two-day Sapa Tours itinerary-five days of immersive experiences crammed into just two days. Let’s dive into the details!

Day 1: Hanoi to Sapa and the Night Market Experience

06:00 – Departure from Hanoi
Rise and shine! We will leave early morning from Hanoi, taking the scenic drive further into the peaceful northern highlands. The drive to Sapa renders breathtaking scenery, terraced rice along the mountain, mist wrapping them, and villages nestling on their sides. Do take your camera with you, for this is one journey full of photography opportunities!

12:00 – Arrival and Lunch in Sapa
We reach Sapa just in time for lunch, and probably there couldn’t be anything better to kick-start our venture here than indulging in the local delicacies. You will enjoy a delicious highland lunch at one of the good local restaurants, where you will try lẩu cá hồi – salmon hotpot, a dish comforting and full of fresh flavors, straight from streams from the region. This dish is the perfect way to introduce oneself to the unique tastes of the highlands, showing what one should expect from this gastronomic tour.

16:00 – Exploring Cat Cat Village
After lunchtime, we drove to Cat Cat Village a traditional village of the H’mong people residing a few kilometres from Sapa town. You will have time to come to their houses, workrooms, and rice fields to learn about the daily life of the Hmong people. Guests will surely be amazed at their pickups in beautiful handicrafts, mainly because of the beautiful brocade with skillful stitches. These were blood-curdling views of the rolling hills and waterfalls of the village as we walked through it, offering a peaceful and scenic afternoon adventure.

18:00 – Dinner and Introduction to Highland Cuisine
By nightfall, after a full day’s activity, it’s time to sit down for a more elaborate dinner with the best Sapa has to offer from its highlands cuisine. You will have this in a cozy local restaurant that has combined a menu of traditionally prepared thịt lợn cắp nách-pork, and cơm lam sticky rice cooked in bamboo-all reflecting flavors of this region. This dinner is not just a meal, but a journey through the rich culinary history of Sapa.

Cuisine at Sapa night market

Cuisine at Sapa night market

19:30 – Sapa Night Market Adventure
This will be the highlight of the day: the Sapa Night Market. Just at twilight, when the day is capped, this market bursts into energetic life. You will take a walk along the always-busy lanes, exploring the stalls for handmade souvenirs, colorful textiles, and intricate silver jewelry. This is your time to communicate with the natives and learn about their crafts; engaging with them by buying authentic, handmade objects will support the community.

Of course, no visit to the Sapa Night Market would be complete without being able to try some of the street foods. Try delicious thịt xiên nướng grilled meat skewers, or ngô nướng-grilled corn, and be sure to wash it down with a cup of the local rượu táo mèo-or apple cider wine. As you enjoy the treats, you will be entertained by the cultural performances of the market, consisting of traditional music and dance, making this lively, festive atmosphere even richer.

22:00 – Return to Hotel
After such a fascinating evening at the Sapa Night Market, it is just about time to head back to your hotel for a well-deserved rest. The first day has been filled with adventure, food, and cultural discoveries but, of course, more awaits on the next day!

Day 2: Fansipan and Return to Hanoi

06:30 – Breakfast at Hotel
Start your day with the traditional Sapa breakfast, either xôi ngũ sắc-the five-colored sticky rice-or bánh cuốn-steamed rice roll. This meal would completely recharge you for today’s exciting adventure.

07:30 – Optional Fansipan Mountain Adventure
The Fansipan Mountain Adventure is a must for those who want to experience even more of Sapa’s natural beauty. From here, Fansipan is known as the “Roof of Indochina" and is the highest peak in Vietnam, reaching 3,143 meters in altitude. You will take a breathtaking cable car ride (own expense) over the surrounding mountains and valleys.

From its peak, one can see the Buddhist temples that dot the landscape, marvel at the breathtaking panorama, and shoot that perfect shot of photo for remembrance. This once-in-a-lifetime experience provides an opportunity to stand on the highest point in all of Southeast Asia.

12:00 – Lunch and Departure
After the Fansipan adventure, we head back to the town of Sapa for lunch. It’s time to enjoy Sapa food for the last time before we get back to Hanoi. Enjoy the easy-going atmosphere of a local restaurant while thinking over the extraordinary experiences of the past two days.

13:00 – Departure from Sapa
It is time to bid adieu to the stunning panoramas of Sapa by starting your return journey towards Hanoi. The drive will give you one last chance to soak in the views of the northern highlands.

17:30 – Arrival in Hanoi
We return to Hanoi in the early evening, which marks the end of our Sapa Night Market Tour. We will say our goodbyes- souvenirs in handicraft pieces and indelible memories in your mind of the lively culture, breathtaking scenery, and mouth-watering cuisine.

Explore Fansipan

Explore Fansipan

Tips for a Memorable Sapa Night Market Experience

Have plans for the Sapa Night Market? Well, that’s a pretty great idea! For this adventure to be as easy, interesting, and memorable as possible, here are some insider hints.

Best Time to Visit

The liveliest Sapa Night Market takes place on weekends, especially Friday to Sunday evenings. If full energy is what you want to soak in from this market, then these would be some of the best days. The months starting from September until November and then March to May have mild weather so the landscapes are simply beautiful, hence making them perfect for visiting Sapa. As the months are very lively, with locals and tourists roaming around the night market, one should remember to wear enough clothes while going out because the nights can get nippy.

What to Wear and Bring

Sapa is quite unpredictable, especially at night, while the nights are cool. Therefore, you can wear warm and multiple layers to keep off the cold. A light jacket or sweater is highly recommended during your tour of the Sapa Night Market for comfort.

  • Comfortable shoes as you may have to walk along crowded and often uneven streets.
  • Cash is important because you can’t find any ATMs in the market, and hardly any of the vendors accept card payments. Bring enough for purchases and treats that you might want.
  • Reusable bags come in handy when carrying souvenirs, and just using them themselves is a very good way to reduce waste while shopping.

Negotiation Tips

Prices fluctuate when purchasing at Sapa Night Market. Now you need to haggle-just be nice if you do it. The ideal price you should pay will be roughly 10-20% off what has been quoted, but always be polite and very pleasant if he refuses. Most things are handmade and represent hours of work, so you have to remember your purchase will help these locals get by. A smile and a pleasant demeanor will work wonders when interacting positively with the vendors.

Photography and Etiquette

Sapa Night Market is a picturesque location; you will surely want to take some snaps to commemorate the experience. At the same time, especially during the snapping of the locals in their traditional clothes, it would be wise to ask permission first. Many vendors and locals appreciate this courteous gesture before being photographed. Be sensitive to personal space and privacy.

Interacting respectively and in a light mood with the local community enhances the experience, as great impressions are left. It’s not all about pictures; it is the relationships built up with people who center everything at the Sapa Night Market.

Culinary Delights at the Sapa Night Market

Introduction to Highland Cuisine

Sapa’s highland cuisine is nothing like anything you’ve ever tasted. What makes it special, though, is how fresh ingredients are mixed with unique spices and traditional cooking methods passed down through generations. Locals in the highlands, especially the H’mong and Red Dao ethnic people, prepare dishes availed from around them, like wild herbs and vegetables deep in the forests, and meat from their reared livestock. Key spices are mắc khén and hạt dổi, giving them that distinctive aromatic kick-flavors you just won’t find elsewhere in Vietnam.

Due to the cold climate of Sapa, its dishes range from hearty to warm, which suits the freezing evening pretty well. Whether you have tried a hot bowl of broth, grilled meats, or a snifter of a local spirit, every snap would fill your mouth with the warmth and taste of highland life.

Now that you are aware of the above points, let’s go into the details of some must-try dishes that definitely can’t be missed upon visiting Sapa Night Market!

Top Dishes You Must Try at Sapa Night Market

Grilled Dishes (Đồ Nướng)

If there is one thing that stands out in the Sapa Night Market, it would have to be the various arrays of dishes concerning grilling, or đồ nướng. You see the grilling of pork, chicken, fish, and even more exotic meats like horse or buffalo, and those are not ordinary grilled meats since through the influence of traditional Hmong and Red Dao cooking methods, they marinate the meat with herbs and spices that make every bite a completely new explosion of flavor.

One of the more unusual dishes is the thắng cố horse meat stew, and this is often barbecued at the night market. Thắng cố is a specialty of the H’mong people and is traceable back hundreds of years. Originally a stew, the grilled version of thắng cố retains the richness of the meat, and the smoky aroma and tender textures that come with open-flame cooking make it prevalent for more adventurous eaters. The utilization of wild herbs and spices amplifies this dish, capturing the most authentic flavors of the highlands on your plate.

Smoky and aromatic, these grilled-meat stalls around Sapa Night Market call out to you, and be sure, you will want to answer. Grab a skewer or three to experience the perfect street food for a cool Sapa evening.

Lẩu Cá Hồi (Salmon Hotpot)

Now, the warm and comfortable dish that I’m going to introduce is lẩu cá hồi – salmon hotpot. Sapa is one of the few places in Vietnam that are farming salmons, thanks to cool mountain waters, and this course is super fresh.

Lẩu cá hồi is just great to enjoy with friends or family, also one of the favorite dishes at Sapa Night Market. The hot pot was provided with fresh slices of salmon, vegetables, and rich broth simmered with local spices. Such beauty in its simplicity-the lead of that which is salmon, tender and flavorful, where the broth enhances its taste without overpowering it.

Sitting around the table, dip fresh salmon into the dancing broth and feel the body warm up all over, just what is needed on a cold Sapa night. This is comfort food at its best and an absolute thing that one needs to try from the Sapa Night Market.

Sticky Rice (Xôi Ngũ Sắc)

Not going for xôi ngũ sắc, or five-colored sticky rice, on a visit to Sapa Night Market would not be complete. Brightly colored, the dish is not only appealing to the eye but also very culturally significant to the people of Sapa.

These colors – red, yellow, green, purple, and white – are made from natural ingredients of forest leaves and flowers. Each color symbolizes the various elements of life including prosperity, peace, and health. Xôi ngũ sắc is prepared during festivals and celebrations, so it is also a dish very much tied to tradition.

The sticky rice tastes well steamed, while each grain still retains its rich texture and flavor. Sometimes it is served with lợn bản-local pork or thịt gà bản-free-range chicken. You’ll find this dish at many market stalls, with each vendor adding their unique take on the beautiful and flavorful staple.

Rượu Táo Mèo (Apple Wine) and Other Highland Spirits

No food tour around Sapa Night Market is complete without tasting some local spirits. Rượu táo mèo, or apple wine, is preferred by many locals, made from the wild apples growing in the mountainous regions around Sapa. This is a kind of traditional rice wine with a fruity and slightly sour taste, usually involved in socialized gatherings or celebratory occasions.

Rượu táo mèo gets its special taste from the fermentation process, and it is said to have medicinal properties, helping digestion and boosting circulation-just what you need after a night of feasting at the market!

The apple wine is not the only original rice wine you will taste; there is rượu ngô (corn wine) and rượu cần, which is a name for sticky rice wine. Normally, these types of wine are used in combination with many main grilling dishes. These drinks form part of the highland culture that unites people with food and conversation.

In the case of Sapa Night Market, you are allowed to try a small cup of those spirits. It is not about the taste, but rather sharing the warm manner of the people of Sapa.

Impress Travel – Your Trusted Sapa Night Market Tour Provider

With Impress Travel, the experience at Sapa Night Market will be fully appreciated. As one leading and prestigious tour operators in Vietnam, we have great experience in organizing cultural and memorable tours in Sapa. With our profound knowledge, we can bring about exclusive experiences showing the best of Sapa’s culture, cuisine, and history for your comfort and satisfaction.

Travel with Impress Travel, is not just a tour. Local guides will share insider knowledge of Sapa’s traditions and cuisine, adding depth to your market experience. We designed our tour itinerary so that it is not too rushed, and you would enjoy every fantastic moment at the Sapa Night Market. Besides, responsible tourism practices mean that your visit benefits the local people and makes a positive contribution in many ways to Sapa’s inhabitants.

Ready for a Sapa Night Market tour with us? Contact Impress Travel today at (+84) 912 379 189 or email us at info@impresstravel.com for your unforgettable journey! Let us take you through the vibrant culture and flavors of Sapa.


Sapa Night Market shapes up a perfect combination of colorful highland cuisine mixed with peculiar handicrafts and ebullient ethnic ambiance. Tasty barbecue dishes and beautifully colored traditional brocades offer each corner of the market unforgettable glimpses of Sapa’s rich heritage. Book your tour to Sapa Night Market at Impress Travel so that all the wonderful moments in your journey will be unforgettable. Our expert local guides with well-planned tours whilst authenticity assures the finest experience for our customers. Don’t forget to regularly follow our Impress Travel for more interesting information about traveling Sapa to and to book Sapa Tours at the best prices.

Want to book an adventure now? Impress Travel has the contact number: Hotline: (+84) 912 379 189, email: info@impresstravel.com

Hanoi Head Office

  • 125 Hoang Ngan, Hanoi
  • Tel: (+84) 912 379 189
  • Email: hanoi@impresstravel.com

Saigon Office

  • 155 Ben Van Don, Rivergate, 4 District, HCM
  • Tel: (+84)961675566
  • Email: saigon@impresstravel.com

Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Trekking
Sapa Trekking
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Town
Sapa Town
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Rice Terraces
Church in Sapa
Church in Sapa
Sapa Trekking
Sapa Trekking
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa tours by Car
Sapa tours by Car
Sapa Town
Sapa Town
Sapa Trekking
Sapa Trekking
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Trekking
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa Town
Sapa Rice Terraces
Church in Sapa
Sapa Trekking
Sapa Rice Terraces
Sapa tours by Car
Sapa Town
Sapa Trekking

What’s included in this trip

  • Full transportation by private car  as tour program indicated.
  • Round trip night train from Hanoi to Lao Cai to Hanoi
  • Full meals as indicated in the itinerary.
  • Trekking in Sapa
  • English- speaking guide
  • Entrance fees.
  • Twin-share accommodation with daily breakfast; ( AC room).

What’s excluded in this trip

  • Personal insurance
  • Expenditure of a personal nature, tips, such as drinks, souvenirs, laundry, emergency transfers & etc.

Hotels in Sapa

Homestay in Sapa


You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress

Day: 01

Hanoi night train to Sapa, Lao Cai province

  • We pick you up from Hotel and transfer you to Hanoi train station,
  • Getting on night train and departure for Lao Cai province

Inclusion: Night train tickets, Tour guide, Transfer from Hanoi to Lao Cai station

Day: 02

Lao Cai – Sapa, trek to Ta Van village (B, L, D)

  • After the night experience night train, we arrive at Lao Cai station in the early morning, and then we take 45 minutes for driving up to Sapa town.
  • After breakfast & a short morning break and have some last preparation for the trekking to villages.
  • We leave the hotel and start easy trekking through the hill-tribe villages, green valleys, rice terraces and have a picnic lunch en trekking track.
  • Keep trekking to Ta van village where is the home of the Giay People. We will be warmly welcomed by locals and check in the homestay and overnight with experienced nighttime here.

Inclusion: Breakfast; lunch; dinner, Homestay in Ta VanEntrance fee; Tour guidePrivate air-conditioned vehicle pick up from Lao Cai train station to Sapa town

Day: 03

Easy trekking to villages & Return to Sapa (B, L)

  • After breakfast, we keep the easy trekking through the rice terrace track to Giang Ta Chai village where is home of Red Dao people, and then to Su Pan village where the vehicle is awaiting for transferring back to Sapa town.

  • The afternoon time is free at leisure and explore Sapa town by self

  • Hotel overnight in Sapa town

Inclusion:  Breakfast; Entrance fee; Tour guidePrivate air-conditioned vehicle pick up from Su Phan village back to Sapa town, Hotel in Sapa

Day: 04

Sapa – Cat Cat Village- Lao Cai station (B, L)

  •  After lunch, take a 2km short easy trekking to Cat Cat Village, the home of Hmong Ethnic. Meeting & talking with locals to learn more about their daily life. The bus/van pick up and transfer back to the hotel.
  • Leave Sapa by Bus in the late afternoon (5.30 p.m.) to Lao Cai station for our night train back to Hanoi.

Inclusion:  Breakfast;  Entrance fee; Tour guidePrivate air-conditioned vehicle pick up from Cat Cat village back to Sapa town and transfer to Lao Cai station and Night train tickets to Hanoi.



    Sapa Tours

    Impress Travel – Sapa tours offers classic and easy tours, trekking tours (easy trek, medium trek & hard trek) to discover the remote ethnic minority villages & adventurous tours to conquer Fansipan’s highest mountain peak or motorbike to travel around and mountain biking, market day tours, homestay with an ethnic family. For the most trusted and most saving for North Vietnam Tour Packages to explore Sapa Vietnam. Email: Sapatours@impresstravel.com & call to Mr. Alex Impress Travel Manager at his cell phone (+84) 9123 79 189