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Snorkeling at 3 Coral Reefs and Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

Get ready to explore Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam the tropical paradise where pristine beaches meet vibrant coral reefs in a breathtaking blend of adventure and relaxation. This biggest island in Vietnam is more than stunning sunsets and golden sands; it’s the entrance into an underwater world full of life. One of our best sellers in Phu Quoc Island is this Snorkeling at 3 Coral Reefs and Beach Tour. It is indeed your ticket to a marine wonderland—swim amidst vibrantly colored corals and tropical fish, then chill out on the most serene beaches. Whether you are here for the excitement of the dive or serenity ashore, this tour holds promises to be a full day of life-long memories, thus being the ultimate Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island.

Coral Reefs for Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

Coral Reefs

Key Attractions of the Snorkeling and Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

Coral Reefs of Phu Quoc

Down to the real heart of our Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island, we head to incredible coral reefs making it a real snorkeler’s paradise! We shall be visiting three of the most spectacular coral reefs offered at Phu Quoc: Hon Gam Ghi, Hon Mong Tay, and Hon May Rut Trong.

  • Hon Gam Ghi: With its nickname “Coral Kingdom," this location is first on our snorkeling escapade. Its underwater world is simply magic. There are plenty of coral formations brain corals, and delicate fan corals brilliantly colored and swaying gently with the ocean currents. You’ll be swimming with large schools of colorful fish clownfish, parrot fish, and even the odd stingray gliding by. Given the rich biodiversity here, each second that you spend underwater means a new surprise waiting for you.
  • Hon Mong Tay: Nicknamed “Maldives of Vietnam," the second reef we will see is Hon Mong Tay. This place is highly recommended due to the clarity of its water and the great diversity of marine life. Here, coral weaves into a nice tapestry of colors and shapes, making it a suitable habitat for hundreds of fish species. That is what snorkeling is all about swimming through an aquarium. You will run into everything from brightly colored reef fish to inquisitive sea turtles. Very good visibility offers a clear insight into the minute beauty of the coral and the life forming off it.
  • Hon May Rut Trong: The last snorkeling spot is Hon May Rut Trong, which is Phu Quoc’s hidden gem. grunt Herein, the reef is much less crowded with tourists, so this is a tranquil spot to end our underwater exploration. The coral reefs are pristine; marine life is plenty. You’ll find hard and soft coral with loads of nooks and crannies to explore here. From rainbow-colored anemones to elegant sea fans, this is the immersion snorkeling experience one wants. It’s the perfect way to wrap up our underwater journey before heading back up to the surface.

Beach Experiences 

After our underwater adventures, it’s time for a relaxing sunbath at some of Phu Quoc’s most stunning beaches.

  • Hòn Mây Rút Ngoài: This is a paradise island with its fine white sand and turquoise-colored waters. One of the highlights of the Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island is that this place is one of the tranquil settings in which to unwind with a feel of nature’s beauty. The water is so transparent that one can see the seabed from the shore and is just perfect for a refreshing swim or simply lounging by the water’s edge. It is tailor-made to get all those postcard-type photographs just right, accompanied by a soft breeze and gentle waves.
  • Sunset Sanato: Later in the afternoon, we will visit Sunset Sanato, which is one of the most iconic spots in Phu Quoc to watch the sunset. This beach is famous not only for its transparent water and soft sands but also for the randomly artistic sculptures that line its shores, setting it to be a beautiful view and unique. With sunset, the sky is painted with colors to offer the perfect ending to a day of adventure and relaxation. That is why this location is so perfect for taking time out to think about one’s experiences throughout the day and witnessing the serene beauty of Phu Quoc.

The Thrill of Snorkeling

Now, why Phu Quoc is one of Vietnam’s premier snorkeling destinations, and why a Phu Quoc Tour would prove absolutely imperative for both beginners and seasoned snorkelers alike.

Probably the most accessible and colorful coral reefs in Vietnam are those found in Phu Quoc, making it one of the best options for snorkeling. The water is usually calm and warm, with great visibility, allowing snorkelers to appreciate this underwater world. One of the interesting things about snorkeling in Phu Quoc is that anybody can ease into it, regardless of experience level. For a first-time snorkeler or veteran of the reefs, the conditions are perfect here for you.

Safety first is our prior promise on this Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island. Our guides are experienced to make sure that you feel comfortable and confident before you do this diving. We provide all the necessary life jackets, masks, and swimming fins so that you enjoy the experience with confidence. Further, with our small group size, personalized attention will be accorded to making your snorkeling adventure both safe and easy.



Detailed Itinerary of the Snorkeling and Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

8:00 AM – Hotel Pickup

Begin the day the right way with a pick-up at leisure from your hotel or resort. Our friendly guide and a comfortable vehicle will be ready to take you on a scenic drive to An Thoi Port. Along the way, you may view the island waking up to its new day.

9:00 AM – Departure from An Thoi Port

Embark on a high-speed canoe at An Thoi port and set off to sea. You will pass by 12 smaller islands before getting a feel for the unsullied beauty of Phu Quoc. The very ride on the water is an invigorating experience. Endless blue water all around, and the hair on your head would have a good encounter with the wind.

9:30 AM – First Stop: Hon Gam Ghi (Snorkeling Session 1)

The first idyllic bay is Hon Gam Ghi, where magnificent and prolific coral reefs make the best snorkeling spot. Here you get about one hour of snorkeling in the clear, wind-protected water. Experience the colorful world of corals, lively fish, and other marine life while snorkeling. Perfect for both beginners and experienced snorkelers with good conditions for exploring the colorful underwater world.

11:00 AM – Second Stop: Hon Mong Tay (Snorkeling Session 2)

Next, to Hon Mong Tay, a location sometimes referred to as the “Maldives of Vietnam." Spend an hour more snorkeling around this highly coral-rich area. This variety will leave you speechless: so big is the sea life here, and the waters are so sharp that you feel like you’re swimming right in one large aquarium. Keep an eye out for graceless sea turtles; they show up once in a while.

12:30 PM – Lunch on Hon May Rut Trong

After getting invigorated by the morning snorkeling, replenish with a seafood lunch served right on the beach at Hon May Rut Trong. Lunch will include fresh local seafood, cooked in the traditional Vietnamese style. Eat with your toes in the sand and be surrounded by serene beauty all around this private island.

1:30 PM – Third Stop: Hon May Rut Trong (Snorkeling Session 3)

In the afternoon after lunch, come back to the waters for your final snorkeling session at Hon May Rut Trong with less crowded coral reefs and very serene snorkeling. To base in the different coral formations of admirable diversity, swim amidst schools of fish in this peaceful setting.

3:00 PM – Beach Relaxation at Hon May Rut Ngoài

Then there is time to relax on the beautiful beach of Hon May Rut Ngoài. The following one hour will be spent on the sandy white beach sunbathing or swimming in the crystal clear water, just relaxing and enjoying beautiful views of the island. This is your relaxation time to get all the beauty from the nature of Phu Quoc into yourself.

4:00 PM – Optional Visit to Sunset Sanato

For a truly awe-inspiring ending to your amazing day, there’s an optional stop at Sunset Sanato. This beach is famous for its artful installations and breathtaking views of the sunsets. You can look at the sky while slowly coloring into warm colors, painting the perfect epilogue for the day of discovery and relaxation.

5:00 PM – Return to Hotel

After that, we head back toward An Thoi Port. You will be transferred to your hotel with comfort and be back at your hotel in time for dinner, at about 5:00 PM. Take time to recall the day’s activities and all the memories you have gathered with this Beach Tour at Phu Quoc Island.

Hon Gam Ghi for Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

Hon Gam Ghi

What to Expect During the Snorkeling and Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

Safety and Comfort for Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

Your Safety and Comfort are of paramount interest to us on this Phu Quoc Tour. Our well-trained team of professional guides will give you detailed firsthand information regarding any safety measures taken before we set off to discover the clear waters. You will wear life jackets so that you can easily stay afloat, and our guides will always be by your side throughout your snorkeling sessions. They are highly trained in first aid and water safety so you can be free to relax and just be certain you are in good hands.

In addition, fully equipped first aid kits are carried on all of our boats, and AlewRays guides are available to assist should any need arise. Whether it is your first time snorkeling or you are a seasoned pro at this activity, we will have you covered!

Equipment Provided for Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

We’ll provide all the gear you’ll need for a trouble-free and fun snorkeling experience. This includes:

  • Masks: These will definitely be high-quality snorkeling masks that provide perfect clear vision in water in order to view vibrant coral reefs and marine life.
  • Fins: comfortable fins that help you flow, with no struggles, through the water, so that you can give more time to the breathtaking view underwater.
  • Life Vests: Even though you will be snorkeling in very peaceful and shallow waters, life vests are provided for additional safety and peace of mind.

We put a lot of work into the equipment. That way, before every tour, it’s clean, sanitized, and in the best condition possible. You simply bring along your enthusiasm and a ready sense of adventure!

Level of Difficulty for Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

This is simply the finest Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island on splendid beaches meeting everyone’s interest either as a pro or a first-time snorkeler as the guided tour readily pleases both. The guides are supportive and stretch supplies for in-depth instruction and tips to help you get comfortable in the water.

We choose quiet waters and good visibility areas with beginner-level snorkeling possibilities. Simultaneously, the richness of marine life and coral life is such that any expert snorkeler will be awed.

Group Size and Tour Guides for Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

The numbers in the groups are kept very small, with a maximum of 20, so that a warm and intimate atmosphere is achieved. This enables our guides to give proper attention, be it just with the fitting of your mask, leading you to the best spots for snorkeling, or relating to you with amazing insights you would want to know regarding all the bunch of marine creatures you are set to meet.

The guides are not only experts in snorkeling; they are fanatics about the natural beauty of Phu Quoc. Knowing a lot about the local marine ecosystems, they never hesitate to inform you about interesting facts and stories that definitely will make your general impression better. Their excitement really is contagious this experience is going to be unforgettable if these guides take control of this Phu Quoc Tour.

Tips and Precautions for Enjoying the Tour on Phu Quoc Island

Welcome to the Beach Tour of Phu Quoc Island! For your best experience, some essential tips and precautions should be taken here. There will be fun and excitement throughout the day, with a modicum of caution devoid of worry, for sure.

Pre-Tour Preparation 

Before embarking on this fun adventure, let’s not forget to pack a few things that will make your day comfortable and enjoyable:

  • Sunscreen: The sun in Phu Quoc can be quite strong, especially when you are out on the water. Before the tour, make sure to apply high-SPF sunscreen and regularly reapply throughout the day in order to protect your skin.
  • Swimwear: Obvious as it may be, remember that swimsuit! Presumably, you would like it to feel comfortable and to serve you well during the whole day of snorkeling and beach activities.
  • Towels: A towel to dry one’s self afterward and to lay on the sandy beaches.
  • Waterproof Camera: Of course, you will want to capture the beauty within this world and all the stunning beauty outside of it. Use a waterproof camera or put a waterproof case on your phone.
  • Hat and Sunglasses: An expanding brimmed cap or hat to cover the face and neck from the sun rays, and the sunglasses will further help when either on a boat or lounging on the beach.
  • Hydration: Hydration is very critical, more so when under the tropical sun. Always have a reusable water bottle and keep on ditching the fluids down you at every turn.

Pack these basic needs for your Phu Quoc tour without any worry.

Health and Safety Tips for Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island

Your health and safety are most important to us. Here are some tips to bear in mind:

  • Medical Conditions: If suffering any medical conditions prior to arrival such as heart conditions, asthma, etc., which could be aggravated by involvement with the activities of snorkeling or exertion, please advise.
  • Snorkeling Precautions: Avoid overeating and alcohol prior to snorkeling. Give yourself an interval to digest; don’t just get right into the water, as this may lead to self-unease or a health risk.
  • Motion Sickness: Take the right medicine if this is a bother you’ll run into during a boat trip in Kariba town, and maybe travel with your remedy. This way, the nuisance can be lifted off for an unencumbered day of pleasure.
  • Stay in Groups: Always stay within sight of your group and your guide while snorkeling. This practice grants everyone safety and will allow our guides a quick response to help you should things go awry.

All that follows are ways to make your Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island fun, safe, and stress-free.

Environmental Responsibility

Coral Reefs

Coral Reefs

As we visit some of the most beautiful beaches and marine environments along Phu Quoc’s shores in uncontaminated beauty, it is upon each of us to protect and conserve these treasures:

  • Protect the Coral Reefs: these are very fragile ecosystems. Please do not touch or stand on the corals; such actions are related to damage. Instead, enjoy the beauty of the reefs from a distance and let’s preserve them for future generations.
  • No Littering: Phu Quoc Beaches are so beautiful; it’s up to us now to leave them that way. Please throw any garbage properly, and if possible, pick up any litter you may see around to help sustain the natural beauty of the island.
  • Respect Marine Life: Be sure to enjoy the view of marine life while snorkeling, but never disturb them. Never chase or touch fish and other sea animals. Let these beautiful creatures fully thrive in their natural habitations.


There is, hence, all in our Beach Tour on Phu Quoc Island: from snorkeling in colorful dynamic coral reefs to relaxation time on an immaculate beach, which is sure to make each of the moments memorable. Not to be missed! Book your spot today and see the magic of Phu Quoc with Impress Travel. But it is not only a tour; it’s an adventure of a lifetime experience! Don’t forget to regularly follow our Impress Travel for more interesting information about traveling Phu Quoc to and to book Phu Quoc Tours at the best prices.

Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort food in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort food in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort food in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
Salinda Resort in Phu Quoc Island
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Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island

Tours Itinerary

Day: 01


Impress Travel Team will pick you up at the hotel to TAN SON NHAT airport, flying to PHU QUOC Island. Arrive at Phu Quoc Island, the car pick you up at the airport transfer you to your Resort, check in. The car takes you around Ham Linh Fishing Village, you then enjoy local fresh seafood: crab, snail, lobster … (seafood fee is paid by your account) and visit SUOI TRANH to swim in the stream, and then continue to go sightseeing SUNG HUNG Ancient Pagoda consecration. Have dinner. At night, you can either take a swim in the sea, take a rest, or register to go squid-fishing (this tour fee is on your account).

Day: 2


After breakfast at Resort, the car takes you around Pearl Shop of Japanese/ Australia, and then swim in Bai Sau Beach, lunch, relax on the local hammocks. Visit Phu Quoc Prison Cage (or call is Coconut Tree prison) is the largest prison to keep communists more solid in the South with more than 32000 prisoners. Phu Quoc prison was the living evidence for extremely brutal crimes of aggression colonialism and imperialism, while it proved the indomitable spirit and valiant struggle of revolutionaries. The prisoners were suffered awful savage punishments and tortures. Continue to visit An Thoi Fishing Harbor, Dried Seafood Market, Phu Quoc Fish Sauce Manufacture Enterprise, Dinh Cau Temple, come back to Resort and have a rest. You can take a walk at the Night Market nearby after dinner.

Day: 3


Phu Quoc island lies off the southwest coast of Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand and is home to some of the best snorkeling in the country. On this day tour, set sail from Duong Dong on a full-day cruise and visit a pearl farm, swim at the beautiful Sao Beach, and enjoy fishing and snorkeling around the island. Additional Details Magnificent views of Sao Beach and Phu Quoc Multiple stops to swim, snorkel, and fish around Phu Quoc Delicious lunch of Vietnamese cuisine served on-board. 

Day: 4


After breakfast at Resort, go shopping in DONG DUONG market, the car drives you back to the airport for the flight to HCM City. We transfer you to your hotel or fly to the next destination in Vietnam or fly back to your home. Please email us: phuquoc@impresstravel.com if you need any further information.

What’s included in this trip:

  • Accommodation based on Twin/Double sharing room, ( notice: a single room is surcharged following single supplement policy/ all room night including daily hotel breakfast.
  • All the meals as mentioned in the detailed itinerary
  • Domestic flight tickets from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc Island & return
  • Boat trip in Phu Quoc island
  • Entrance Fee to visit attractive places are mentioned as itinerary
  • Private Car/Van/Bus with air-conditioned and good experienced driver.
  • Experienced English speaking tour guides as specified ( French-speaking guide/ Chinese speaking guide are available on request )
  • Complimentary drink water and Tissue on Van/Bus/Van as mentioned on itinerary

What’s excluded in this trip:

  • Tipping for Tour guides, Bus driver, Crew
  • Other services are not specifically mentioned in the tour Itinerary and the above Inclusion

Resorts in Phu Quoc Island Hotels in Phu Quoc Island


You feel like organized tour, but you are in a privet tour. Impress Travel make the different.

We went on a private trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, the whole trip plan was organized for us by the Impress Travel Company from Vietnam, the company did an amazing job, the whole trip was organized in a wonderful way with an amazing match between the various parties, their choices were correct and the quality of the hotels chosen were very high quality and it is important to note that the price was low in comparison To other agencies, thanks to Impress Travel and especially to Daniel who was tolerant and open to changes and organized the route for us.


Tour of Vietnam

Impress travel were amazing. Did my bookings with Daniel for our tour of Vietnam and I must say Daniel was very professional and prompt with his services. All the arrangement, plans, pick-up & drop-off services, hotels, vehicles, sightseeing tours and guides were spot on and excellent. Did 4 nights Hanoi, 1 night Hà Long Bay cruise, 3 nights Hoian, 4 nights Saigon and 1 night in Can Tho. It was totally awesome. Every part of the journey was superbly arranged and planned. I will highly recommend Impress Travel for anyone interested in visiting Vietnam. Very organized and reliable!

Solly Pochee

The tour was fantastic

I booked with Impress Travel in July. My contact person was Tommy Thang. He is an amazing person. He was very helpful. He changed my program twice for me. Very accommodating!
We started our holiday in the north (Sapa)of Vietnam and travelled down to HCMC.
The tour was fantastic, Tommy's arrangements were to the"T".
I will always use them if I have to visit the area again and recommend them to one and all.
Thank you once again Mr.Tommy and the Impress Team.
Sulaiman Pochee

Bernard Lim

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel

Great value for money with 4 stars hotel accommodation for 4 couples. The tour guide has been very helpful and brought us to amazing places in Sapa. We want to thanks Thuy the tour guide and especially Mark from Impress Travel for his great service and assurance throughout our trip. We’ll definitely use his service for other tour packages in other parts of Vietnam.


We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel

This is the second time we travel to Vietnam with IMPRESS Travel. First time, we booked our holiday to Hanoi, Halong Bay & Sapa during Dec 2018 with Impress.
Second time, we travel to Hoi An, Hue & Danang (Central Vietnam) during Jan 2019.

My friends & I are very glad & happy with all the hotels stay in Central Vietnam, the meals provided are delicious. We are greatly appreciated with all the tour arrangement by Tommy & his team (tour guide).
Especially, Mr. NHAT C.V. He is helpful, cheerful, knowledgeable and very professional. He always volunteer to take a nice pictures for six of us (group) .

We enjoyed our holiday with Impress travel. We will definitely come back to Vietnam again with Impress


    Phu Quoc island Discovery

    Phu Quoc island Tours – Impress Vietnam Travel offers private & small group package tours from Ho Chi Minh City. To fly from Saigon city to Phu Quoc island or take a trip from Saigon to discover the Mekong Delta Land then go to Phu Quoc by boat. Phu Quoc island is well-known for very delicious seafood, with a lot of luxurious hotels and resorts to stay in. Travelers will feel relaxed and enjoy the most wonderful sandy beaches in Vietnam. To explore the natural landscapes and historical sites, a boat trip going to explore small islands around Phu Quoc, is of particular interest. To book a tour to visit Phu Quoc island, email:phuquoc@impresstravel.com for a great choice and most saving.